Dynamic control of quality in production-inventory systems生產(chǎn)一庫存系統(tǒng)的質(zhì)量動態(tài)控制

出版時間:2002-8  作者:Yao, David D.; Yao, D. D.; Zheng, S. H.  頁數(shù):218  


This book aims to address the coordination of quality control with other aspects of a firm's production system and supply chain, specifically, the coordination between the inspection-repair of finished products and their follow-up services, between inspection and process revision, between production and inspection under capacity constraints, between replenishment and rework quantities, and between supply and substitution decisions. To address these issues, the authors have in recent years developed a set of dynamic approaches based on Markov decision programming and using stochastic comparison techniques, including those based on notions of stochastic convexity and submodularity. The focal question driving their studies is this: under what conditions and for what systems does a certain class of policies become optimal in the sense of striking the best coordination among several competing or even conflicting aspects in the production-inventory system? Particular emphasis has been put on the class of policies that have simple, threshold structures -- simple enough to facilitate implementation, but sophisticated enough to be optimal. Written in a self-contained and well-motivated manner, the book offers a timely and useful text or reference to researchers and practitioners in operations research and management, industrial and quality engineering, systems and control, applied mathematics and statistics, and related fields.


Acknowledgments  1 Introduction  1.1 Theme and Methodologies  1.2 Relations to Other Approaches  1.3 Organization and Overview 2 Stochastic Monotonicity, Convexity, and Submodularity  2.1 Stochastic and Likelihood-Ratio Orderings  2.2 Stochastic Convexity  2.3 Stochastic Submodularity  2.4 Markov Chain Applications  2.5 Notes 3 Quality Control for Products with Warranty  3.1 Warranty Cost Functions  3.2 K-Submodularity  3.3 Conditional Distribution for Defectives  3.4 Optimal Policy  3.5 The Individual Warranty Model  3.6 Examples and Extensions  3.7 Notes 4 Process Control in Batch Production  4.1 Machine Revision  4.2 MDP Formulation   4.2.1 MDP Essentials   4.2.2 The MDP Problem  4.3 Discounted-Cost Model   4.3.1 Optimality Equations   4.3.2 Structural Properties   4.3.3 Optimal Policies  4.4 Average-Cost Model  4.5 Special Case: No Inspection Cost  4.6 Notes 5 Coordinated Production-Inspection in a Tandem System  5.1 A Two-Stage Tandem Queue   5.1.1 Problem Statement   5.1.2 The SMDP Formulation  5.2 Stationary Optimal Policies  5.3 Structure of the Optimal Policy  5.4 Notes 6 Sequential Inspection Under Capacity Constraints  6.1 Capacity Constraints  6.2 Optimality of the Threshold Policy  6.3 Further Characterization of the Optimal Policy  6.4 An Application in Semiconductor Manufacturing  6.5 Notes 7 Coordination of Interstage Inspections  7.1 Two-Stage Quality Control  7.2 Analysis of Stage 1  7.3 Optimal Policy at Stage 2   7.3.1 Priority Structure   7.3.2 Threshold Structure  7.4 A Special Case: Constant Defective Rates  7.5 Optimal Policy at Stage 1  7.6 General Cost Functions  7.7 Notes 8 Optimal Inspection in an Assembly System  8.1 A Two-Component Assembly Model  8.2 Dynamic Programming Formulation  8.3 One Component with a Constant Defective Rate  8.4 A Heuristic Policy  8.5 Notes 9 Coordinated Replenishment and Rework with Unreliable Supply Sources 10 Inventory Control with Substitution References  Index



    Dynamic control of quality in production-inventory systems生產(chǎn)一庫存系統(tǒng)的質(zhì)量動態(tài)控制 PDF格式下載

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