Algebraic surfaces代數(shù)表面

出版時間:2001-2  作者:Badescu, Lucian; Badescu, L.; Masek, Vladimir  頁數(shù):258  


The main aim of this book is to present a completely algebraic approach to the Enriques¿ classification of smooth projective surfaces defined over an algebraically closed field of arbitrary characteristic. This algebraic approach is one of the novelties of this book among the other modern textbooks devoted to this subject. Two chapters on surface singularities are also included. The book can be useful as a textbook for a graduate course on surfaces, for researchers or graduate students in algebraic geometry, as well as those mathematicians working in algebraic geometry or related fields.


Foreword to the English VersionPrefaceConventions and Notation1  Cohomological Intersection Theory and the Nakai-Moishezon Criterion of Ampleness2 The Hodge Index Theorem and the Structure of the Intersection Matrix of a Fiber3 Criteria of Contractability and Rational Singularities4 Properties of Rational Singularities5 Noether's Formula, the Picard Scheme, the Albanese Variety, and Plurigenera6 Existence of Minimal Models7 Morphisms from a Surface to a Curve. Elliptic and Quasielliptic Fibrations8 Canonical Dimension of an Elliptic or Quasielliptic Fibration9  The Classification Theorem According to Canonical Dimension10 Surfaces with Canonical Dimension Zero11 Ruled Surfaces. The Noether-Tsen Criterion12 Minimal Models of Ruled Surfaces13 Characterization of Ruled and Rational Surfaces14 Zariski Decomposition and Applications15 Appendix: Further ReadingReferencesIndex



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