
出版時間:1993  出版社:Routledge; Reprint edition  作者:James Robert Brown  


Although most scientists and philosophers recognize the importance of thought experiments, The Laboratory of the Mind is the only full-length study of their nature and function. Beginning with Galileo's argument on falling bodies, James Robert Brown describes numerous examples of the most influential thought experiments from the history of science. He provides a thorough introduction to the subject, and makes the provocative claim that some thought experiments should be understood in the same way that platonists understand mathematical activity: as an intellectual grasp of an independently existing abstract realm. The book concludes with chapters on the nature of Einstein's work and on the interpretation of quantum mechanics which stand as a test of the author's central 8claims.
"Brown has stimulating things to say about a number of topics, and his book is a model of how to present difficult material clearly and without fuss..." -- David Papineau, Times Higher Education Supplement
"Brown's spledid little book . . . is an excellent value . . . an informative read." -- New Scientist
"Cogent, lively, enthusiastic . . . A wonderfully stimulating book, highly recommended." -- Choice


James Robert Brown is Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Toronto. He is the author of The Rational and the Social (Routledge, 1989).




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