
出版時間:2005-4  出版社:Oversea Publishing House  作者:Goran Lundborg 著  頁數(shù):248  


This volume represents the second edition of the classic Nerve Injury and Repair which was first published in 1988. The focus is on nerve repair and reconstruction today and tomorrow with emphasis on biological mechanisms, clinical treatment and functional remodelling in brain cortex as a consequence of nerve injury. The volume is extremely well illustrated with numerous original schematic drawings illustrating complex mechanisms in a very easy way. Special sections are devoted to hand sensation, sensory re-education and sensory re-learning after nerve injury and repair with emphasis on evolving concepts of brain plasticity mechanisms. The book addresses primarily surgeons in the fields of hand-, plastic-, orthopaedic- and neurosurgery, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and physicians working in the field of hand rehabilitation and neurologists and neuroscientists. The book has a substantial value also for students due to the many drawings and its comprehensive format。


Chapter 1 Defining the Problem Chapter 2 The Dynamic Nerve CellChapter 3 The Nerve Trunk Chapter 4 Acute Nerve Compression Chapter 5 Chronic Nerve Compression Chapter 6 Regeneration and Experimental Nerve Repair Chapter 7 Clinical Nerve Repair and Reconstruction Chapter 8 Sensation and Sensorimotor Integration in Hand Function Chapter 9 Brain Plasticity and Cortical RemodelingChapter 10 Sensory Relearning and Sensory Re-education Chapter 11 Assessment of Outcome after Nerve Repair Index



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