Pfeiffer成功的溝通技巧The Pfeiffer Book of Successful Communication Skill-Building Tools

出版時間:2007-10  作者:Gordon, Jack (EDT)  頁數(shù):409  


The Pfeiffer Book of Successful Interpersonal Communication Tools is organized into three sections: Presentations and Discussions (articles); Experiential Learning Activities; and Inventories, Questionnaires, and Surveys. These selections represent the all-time best the Pfeiffer Annuals and Handbooks have to offer on the topic. The Pfeiffer Book of Successful Interpersonal Communication Tools      Provides articles that offer quick, solid, and insightful grounding in a classic theme of communication-skills training     Contains complete, ready-made training exercises designed to meet a variety of needs for different audiences   Offers inventories that include questionnaires and instruments that help trainees understand their own communication habits, measure the health of actual relationships, and shed light on communication practices within the organization.


IntroductionPART  I: PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION RESOURCES 1. Conditions That Hinder Effective Communication   J. William Pfeiffer 2. The Lost Art of Feedback   Hank Karp 3. The Influence Continuum   Marlene CaroseUi 4. Communicating Communication    J. Ryck Luthi 5. TheJohari Window: AModel for Eliciting and Giving Feedback    Philip G. Hanson 6. Using Personality Typology to Build Understanding      Toni La Motta  7. Communicating Organizational Change: Information    Technology Meets the Carbon-Based Employee Unit    Joseph G. Wojtecki, Jr., and Richard G. Peters  8. Confrontational Communication    Merna L. Skinner  9. Assertion Theory    Colleen Kelley  10. E-Mail Basics: Practical Tips to Improve Communication     Kristin J. ArnoldPART 2: EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING ACTIVITIES (ELAs) ELA Section 1: Personal Communication Skills  1. In Other Words: Building Oral-Communication Skills    Editors  2. Poor Listening Habits: Identifying and Improving Them    Joseph Seltzer and Leland Howe  3. Mixed Messages: A Communication Experiment    Branton K. Holmberg and Daniel W. Mullene  4. Gestures: Perceptions and Responses    SteUa Lybrand Norman  5. Time Flies: Negotiating Personal Effectiveness    Through Assertion    Michael Lee Smith  6. Resistance: A Role Play    H.B. Karp  7. Seeing Ourselves As Others See Us: Using Video     Equipment for Feedback     GiUes L. Talbot    8. Your Voice, Your Self: Improving Vocal Presentations      Taggart Smith    9. E-Prime: Distinguishing Facts from Opinions      GiUes L. Talbot    10. Speed Up! Increasing Communication Skills      Marlene Caroselli  ELA Section 2: Oganizational Communication Issues    1. One-Way, Two-Way: A Communication Experiment      Adapted from H. J. Leavitt    2. Pass It On: Simulating Organizational Communication      Linda Costigan Lederman and Lea P Stewart    3. Red Light/Green Light: From Fear to Hope      Niki Nichols    4. Blivet: A Communicat 0n Experience    Ken Myers, Rajesh Tandon, and Howard Bowens, Jr.……



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