The CPM Gold Yearbook 2008CPM黃金年鑒 2009

出版時間:2008-3  出版社:John Wiley & Sons (2008年3月21日)  作者:CPM Group  頁數(shù):209  


Written by Wall Street’s top commodity research firm, The CPM Gold Yearbook 2008 provides in-depth statistics, analysis, and forecasts for gold. The supply and demand fundamentals of this commodity are displayed in detailed charts and graphs, providing you with the information needed to make fully informed investment decisions. Filled with invaluable reference data, The CPM Gold Yearbook 2008 is a focused guide that will help you succeed in this dynamic market.


Review and Outlook   Chart: The Price of Gold   Chart: Supply/Demand Balance  Chart: Investment Demand's Effect on Gold Prices  Chart: Gold Statistical Position   Table: Gold Cycles - Trough to Peak   Chart: Central Bank Gold Holding and Investor Gold Holdings  Chart: The Gold Market 1997--2007   Chart: Annual Total Supply   Chart: Annual Total Demand   Chart: Official Transactions  Chart: World GDP   Table: The Economy   Chart: United States Real GDP   Chart: SandP 500 Price to Earnings Ratio  Chart: M1 Money Stock   Chart: M2 Money Stock   Chart: United States Real GDP Since 1850  Table: U.S. Business Cycle Expansions and Contractions  Table: Long-Term Supply and Demand  Table: Real and Nominal Gold Prices  Chart: Cumulative World Production and Distribution Fundamentals   Investment Demand      Chart:Investment Demand's Effect on Gold Prices     Chart: Investment Demand's Share of the Gold Market     Chart: Change in Combined Gold ETF Holdings     Chart: Exchange Traded Fund's Physical Gold Holdings     Table: Exchange Traded Fund's Physical Gold Holdings     Chart: Private Bank Deposits and Gold Holdings     Table: World Financial Assets     Table: Factors Determining Investment Demand for Gold      Table: Correlations     Chart: Gold and the U.S. Dollar     Chart: Gold and U.S. Inflation     Chart: Real and Nominal T-Bill Rates and Gold Prices     Chart: Gold and U.S. T-Bonds      Chart: Gold and Oil Price     Chart: The Gold - Oil Ratio     Chart: Gold and the S&P 500      Chart: Gold and the CRB     Chart: Gold Prices in Different Currencies     Chart: Gold Prices in Different Currencies     Chart: Comparative Investments     Chart: Financial Times Gold Mines and World Stock Indices     Chart: Gold Prices and the XAU     Chart: Net Position of Large Speculators in the Gold Market & Gold Prices      Chart: Monthly Gold American Eagle Sales    Table: U.S. Eagle Gold Coin Sales    Table: Official Gold Coin Fabrication    Table: World Gold InvestmentSupply  Chart: Annual Total Supply   Chart: Mine Output in Major Gold Producing Market Economies 1992--2008p   Table: Major Market Economy Gold Producers  Chart: Total Worldwide Metal Exploration Expenditures  Chart: Estimated Gold Production Additions  Chart: The Price of Gold and Cash Operating Costs of Production  Chart: The Price of Gold and Cash Operating Costs of Production   Table: Near-term Gold Mine Development Projects  Table: Gold Mine production by Company  Chart: Transitional Economy Mine Production  Chart: Annual Gold Recovery and Average London Gold Price   Table: Secondary Supply   Table: Production Costs in South Africa by Mine  Chart: Gold Mine Output in South Africa  Chart: Average Quarterly South African Working Costs and Ore Grade  Chart: Average Quarterly South African Working Costs in U.S. Dollars   Chart: Quarterly South African Gold Production - Ore Milled  Chart: Rand Price and Ore Grade   Chart: Refined Production  Table: Global Production Since 1800  Table: Mine Production by Country   ……Official TransactionsFabrication DemandMarketsPrices



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  •   本書從比較客觀的角度對黃金作為投資產(chǎn)品進行了研究,可作為對其在投資組合中的配置的參考。



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