Not-for-Profit Audit Committee Best Practices非盈利審計委員會最佳實(shí)踐

出版時間:2005-11  出版社:吉林長白山  作者:Ruppel, Warren  頁數(shù):166  


  Due to recent, very public accounting scandals and the resulting Sarbanes-Oxley Act and other regulations, public companies have strict guidance on financial governance and accounting, including the functions and responsibilities of audit committee members。 Though not-for-profit organizations are subject to increased scrutiny, there has been no detailed guidance for their audit committees。 This book fills the void and helps not-for-profit organizations answer these questions:  In today's skeptical environment, how can responsible financial governance and reporting reassure wary donors and supporters, and perhaps give the organization a competitive advantage?  How should the audit committee be structured?  Which Sarbanes-Oxley requirements (if any) should the audit committee adopt?  Which best practices best fit the organization’s structure and financial reporting needs?    Complete with checklists, sample questions, and an index for quick reference, Not-for-Profit Audit Committee Best Practices covers:  Different types and unique characteristics of not-for-profit organizations  The audit committee’s role in preventing and detecting fraud  Important internal controls and the internal audit function  The relationship of the audit committee and the independent auditor  This heads-up, hands-on guide helps audit committee members select and structure appropriate best practices and function in the most effective manner for their unique not-for-profit organizations。 It’s also a valuable reference for board members, managers, independent auditors, and advisors of not-for-profit organizations。   Since not-for-profits are not required to comply with Sarbanes-Oxley, they have the advantage of being able to select from alternative ways of functioning。 Not-for-Profit Audit Committee Best Practices helps audit committee members select from various best practices to tailor the functioning to their particular circumstances。


Preface  xi1 Background and Regulatory Issues   Types of Not-for-Profit Organizations Covered by This Book   Unique Characteristics of Not-for-Profit Organizations   Financial Reporting Environment of Not-for-Profit Organizations Users of Not-for-Profit Organization Financial Statements   Regulatory Environment of Not-for-Profit Organizations   Summary  2 Establishing an Audit Committee and Determining Its Charter   Charter and Bylaws Review   Audit Committee Members   Number of Audit Committee Meetings   Meeting Attendance   Minutes of Meetings   Designation of Committee Chair   Designation of a Committee Secretary   Terms of Audit Committee Appointments   Staggering Audit Committee Member Terms   Annual Review and Reporting of Audit Committee Activities   Ability to Hire Outside Counsel and Other Advisors   Conflicts-of-Interest Statements   Summary  3 Responsibilities of Internal Control over Financial Reporting    Internal Control Basics    Risks of Management Override of Controls    Relationship of Internal Control to Financial Reporting    Options for Reporting by Management and Independent Auditors on  Internal Control    Summary  4 Understanding and Addressing the Risks of Fraud    Definition of Fraud    Fraud in Relation to Financial Reporting   The Audit Committee’s Role in Preventing and Detecting Fraud   Fraud Risk Factors to Consider   Summary  5 Defining the Role of the Internal Audit Function   Definition of an Internal Audit Function   Relationship of the Audit Committee to the Internal Audit Function   Internal Audit Function’s Role in Supporting Management Assertions about Internal Control   Summary  6 Establishing an Effective Whistleblower Program     Sarbanes-Oxley Requirements for Audit Committees Relative to Whistleblowers     Protecting Whistleblowers from Retaliation     Summary  7 Audit Committee’s Relationship with the Independent Auditor     Defining the Broad Relationship of the Audit Committee and the Independent Auditor     Procuring the Services of an Independent Auditor     Understanding the Independent Audit of Financial Statements     Monitoring the Independence of the Independent Auditor     Communications Received from the Independent Auditor     Optional Attestation about Management’s Assertions Regarding Internal Control over Financial Reporting     Summary  8 An Audit Committee Action Plan   Holding an Organizational Meeting   Reviewing the Audit Plan with the Independent Auditor   Reviewing the Audit Results and Draft Financial Statements   Reviewing the Independent Auditor’s Management Letter and AddressingInternal Control Issues   Holding Executive Sessions   Summary  Index



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