Fallen Angels and the History of Judaism and Christianity墮落天使和猶太教及基督教史

出版時間:2005-11  作者:Reed, Annette Yoshiko  頁數(shù):318  


In the Book of the Watchers, an Enochic apocalypse from the third century BCE, the "sons of God" of Gen 6:1-4 are accused of corrupting humankind through their teachings of metalworking, cosmetology, magic, and divination. By tracing the transformations of this motif in Second Temple, Rabbinic, and early medieval Judaism and early, late antique, and Byzantine Christianity, this book sheds light on the history of interpretation of Genesis, the changing status of Enochic literature, and the place of parabiblical texts and traditions in the interchange between Jews and Christians in Late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages.


PrefaceList of AbbreviationsIntroduction  1 Angelic Descent and Apocalyptic Epistemology: The Teachings of Enoch and the    Fallen Angels in the Book of the Watchers  2 From Scribalism to Sectarianism: The Angelic Descent Myth and the Social      Settings of Enochic Pseudepigraphy  3 Primeval History and the Problem of Evil: Genesis, the Book of the Watchers,    and the Fallen Angels in Pre-Rabbinic Judaism  4 The Parting of the Ways? Enoch Judaism and Early Christianity and the Fallen    Angels in Rabbinic  5 Demonology and the Construction of Christian Identity: Approaches to Illicit    Angelic Instruction among Proto-Orthodox Christians  6 The Interpenetration of Jewish and Christian Traditions: The Exegesis of      Genesis and the Marginalization of Enochic Literature  7 The Apocalyptic Roots of Merkabah Mysticism? The Reemergence of Enochic          Traditions in Rabbinic Judaism    EpilogueBibliographyIndex of Modern AuthorsIndex of Primary SourcesSubject Index




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