The Cambridge Edition of the Letters of Ernest Hemingway 海明威書信集

出版時間:2011-11  出版社:Cambridge University Press  作者:Hemingway, Ernest; Spanier, Sandra; Trogdon, Robert W.  


  With the first publication, in this edition, of all the
surviving letters of Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961), readers will for
the first time be able to follow the thoughts, ideas and actions of
one of the great literary figures of the twentieth century in his
own words. This first volume encompasses his youth, his experience
in World War I and his arrival in Paris. The letters reveal a more
complex person than Hemingway's tough guy public persona would
suggest: devoted son, affectionate brother, infatuated lover,
adoring husband, spirited friend and disciplined writer. Unguarded
and never intended for publication, the letters record experiences
that inspired his art, afford insight into his creative process and
express his candid assessments of his own work and that of his
contemporaries. The letters present immediate accounts of events
and relationships that profoundly shaped his life and work. A
detailed introduction, notes, chronology, illustrations and index
are included.


  Sandra Spanier is Professor of English at Pennsylvania State
University and General Editor of the Hemingway Letters
Project.^Robert W. Trogdon is Professor of English at Kent State


1. General Editor's introduction Sandra Spanier;
2. Foreword Linda Patterson Miller;
3. Introduction Robert W. Trogdon;
4. Note on the text;
5. Acknowledgments;
6. Abbreviations and cue-titles;
7. Chronology;
8. The letters, 1907–1922;
9. Roster of correspondents;
10. Calendar of letters; Index.




    The Cambridge Edition of the Letters of Ernest Hemingway 海明威書信集 PDF格式下載

用戶評論 (總計18條)


  •   這本書主要是海明威早年的書信集,時間跨度在1907年到1922年。標題是有誤的,因為這只是一系列書的第一部。不過,看看也好。
  •   劍橋版的海明威書信集,趁活動收一本。
  •   海明威英文原版書信,質(zhì)量很好
  •   不錯的書,質(zhì)量很好,了解海明威的真實世界
  •   很厚實,但可惜只是其中的一卷,不知道能不能遇到其他部分。
  •   看到特價就買了,沒搶到狄更斯的些許遺憾
  •   書印的非常精美,短信較多,值得珍藏,不知什么時候出下冊。
  •   裝幀精美,當當價格也實惠,好書推薦。
  •   書很好,紙張很好?;顒訒r候買的,比其他網(wǎng)的便宜了很多。
  •   很好,收藏。。。
  •   書信是研究一個作家最好的文獻資料之一
  •   這個世界十分美好,值得我們?yōu)橹畩^斗。
  •   還沒有翻看
  •   it is the best english book,if you would ***e to speaking good
  •   精裝書,很不錯!唯一的遺憾就是書腳有點磨破了!內(nèi)容整合了海明威大部分書信,有排版有點亂,但是很不錯,紙張很好!不是再生紙!
  •   還以為是信件那種,有點失望。不過,還好。
  •   如題。書本身非常贊,這就是一本八卦寶庫啊,家庭秘事、情人絮語、文人唱和,包羅萬象,好激動啊我。。。還有隨手涂鴉什么的,相當喜歡。當然本身是一部嚴謹?shù)臅?,各種序言、介紹、長文、索引什么的,還有地圖和一些圖片??上е皇堑谝徊吭缒陼?,后面不知道還有沒有、買不買得到。
  •   還沒看,先囤著,等英文水平上來了再看

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