
出版時間:2002-03-15  出版社:W.B. Saunders Company  作者:Ragavendra R. Baliga  頁數(shù):651  


A collection of short cases arranged by clinical area, emphasising the key diagnostic features of clinical conditions as commonly presented in the short case part of the Final MB and MRCP examinations. Also included are likely instructions or commands expected from the examiner for each condition, and the key points which the candidate must tell the examiner. In June 2001 the MRCP short cases exam is being replaced with a new OSCE-style exam called PACES (Practice Assessment of Clinical Examination Skills) and this book will take full account of this change.


CARDIOVASCU LAR SYSTEM  History and examination of the cardiovascular system   1 Mitral stenosis   2 Mitral regurgitation   3 Mixed mitral valve disease   4 Aortic regurgitation   5 Aortic stenosis   6 Mixed aortic valve lesion   7 Mixed mitral and aortic valve disease   8 Hypertension   9 Atrial fibrillation  10 Palpitations  11 Slow pulse rate  12 Gallop rhythm  13 Angina pectoris  14 Acute myocardial infarction  15 Jugular venous pulse  16 Congestive cardiac failure  17 Infective endocarditis    18 Prosthetic heart valves   19 Tricuspid regurgitation   20 Mitra[ valve prolapse   21 Ventricular septal defect   22 Atrial septal defect   23 Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy   24 Patent ductus arteriosus   25 Puhnonary stenosis   26 Dextrocardia   27 Coarctation of aorta   28 Eisenmenger syndrome   29 Fallot's tetralogy   30 Absent radial pulse   31 Constrictive pericarditis   32 Permanent cardiac pacemaker/implantable cardioverter-delibrillator   33 Pericardial rub   34 Primary puhnonary hypertension   35 Ebstein's anomalyNEUROLOGY  History and examination of the nerous system   36 Bilateral spastic paralysis (spastic paraplegia)   37 Hemiplegia   38 Ptosis and Homer's syndrome   39 Argyll Robertson pupil  ……RESPIRATORY SYSTEMABDOMENRHEUMATOLOGYENDOCRINOLOGYDERMATOLOGYFUNDUSMISCELLANEOUS




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