
出版時間:2005-10  出版社:Oversea Publishing House  作者:Daly, John (EDT)/ Speedy, Sandra (EDT)/ Jackson, Debra (EDT)  頁數(shù):388  


  Univ.of Western Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Text provides nursing students with comprehensive coverage of core ideas and perspectives in nursing. Introduces nursing themes from an Australian and New Zealand perspective, and includes discussions on history, culture, law, ethics, technology, and more. Previous edition not cited. Austrialian-oriented. Softcover.


ContributorsPrefaceCHAPTER 1  Presenting nursing.., a career for lifeCHAPTER 2 Visioning the future by knowing the pastCHAPTER 3 The art and science of nursingCHAPTER 4 Heroines, hookers and harridans: exploring popular images and representations of nurses and nursing Philip DarbyshireCHAPTER 5 On philosophy: nursing and the politics of truthCHAPTER 6 Nursing care and nurse caring: issues, concerns,debatesCHAPTER 7 The growth of ideas and theory in nursingCHAPTER 8 Reflective practice: what, why and howCHAPTER 9 Research in nursing: concepts and processesCHAPTER 10 Ethics in nursingCHAPTER 11 An introduction to legal aspects of nursing practiceCHAPTER 12 The gendered culture of nursingCHAPTER 13 Power and politics in the practice of nursingCHAPTER 14 Multidisciplinary teamsCHAPTER 15 Technology, skill development and empowerment in nursingCHAPTER 16 Dealing with distance: rural and remote area nursingCHAPTER 17 Professional organisations: why do we need them?CHAPTER 18 Meeting the needs of individuals CHAPTER 19 Healthy communities: is there a role for nurses/nursing?CHAPTER 20 Diversity challenges in the context of multicultural AustraliaCHAPTER 21 Becoming a critical thinkerCHAPTER 22 Using informatics to expand awarenessCHAPTER 23 Connecting clinical and theoretical knowledge for practiceReferencesGlossaryIndex



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