有說服力的書面與口頭辯護Persusaive Written and Oral Advocacy

出版時間:2002-12  出版社:Aspen Publishers  作者:Michael R. Fontham,Michael Vitiello,David W. Miller 著  頁數(shù):433  


PERSUASIVE WRITTEN AND ORAL ADVOCACY: In Trial and Appellate Courts offers detailed coverage of appellate practice as well as trial-court motions practice. It takes the reader from start to finish through the process of writing, editing,and presenting effective written arguments as well as preparing and delivering persuasive oral arguments.


PrefaceAcknowledgmentsIntroductionPart Ⅰ. Persuasive Legal Writing  CHAPTER 1. ORGANIZING THE WRITTEN PRESENTATION    1.1 Introduction    1.2 General Principles of Organization    1.3 Structural Requirements in Legal Persuasion    1.4 Limiting the Number of Arguments    1.5 Preparing an Outline  CHAPTER 2. WRITING FOR CLARITY    2.1 Introduction    2.2 Meeting the Needs of the Audience    2.3 Getting Started    Writing Techniques      2.4 Using Introductory Overviews      2.5 Use Paragraphs to Implement the Organization      2.6 Using Parallel Constructions      2.7 Need for a Conversational Style      2.8 Need for Concise, Clear Language      2.9 Eliminating Filler      2.10 Achieving a Clear, Concise Style      2.11 Avoiding Common Grammatical Errors      2.12 Avoiding a Ponderous Style      2.13 Using Restrained Language    Presenting the Law      2.14 Minimizing Clutter in the Text from Citations and Other References      2.15 Discussing the Authorities in a Conversational Style      2.16 Using an Understandable Citation Form      2.17 Avoiding Disruptive Quotations      2.18 Appropriate Use of Footnotes      2.19 Avoiding Treatise-Like Discussions of the Law  CHAPTER 3. WRITING PERSUASIVELY    3.1 Introduction    3.2 Prevailing Approaches to Legal Analysis    Identifying and Constructing a Theme      3.3 Finding Your Theme      3.4 Positioning the Essential Points to Make Them Thematic    Parts of a Persuasive Presentation      3.5 Importance of the Issue Statement      3.6 Framing the Issue: Six Tests      3.7 The Statement of Facts      3.8 Examples of Factual Techniques      3.9 An Additional Example      3.10 Using the Facts in the Argument      3.11 The Argument      3.12 Arguing a Choice of Rule      3.13 The Conclusion      3.14 Use of Headings    Persuasive Methods      3.15 Avoiding "Case Briefing"      3.16 Using an Authoritative Style      3.17 Focusing on Strengths      3.18 Tying up Arguments      3.19 Making Citations Meaningful      3.20 Using Visual Aids      3.21 Avoiding Excessive Zeal      3.22 Keeping Policy in Perspective     ……  CHAPTER 4. EDITING  CHAPTER 5. FINDING AND APPLYING THE LAWPart Ⅱ Oral Argument  CHAPTER 6. PREPARING FOR ORAL ARGUMENT  CHAPTER 7. PRESENTING THE ORAL ARGUMENTPart Ⅲ Trial Proceedings  CHAPTER 8. PREPARING MEMORANDA FOR THE TRIAL COURT AND RESEARCH MEMORANDAPart Ⅳ Handling Appeals and Writs  CHAPTER 9. TAKING AND APPEAL  CHAPTER 10. APPLYING THE STANDARD OF REVIEW  CHAPTER 11. PREPARING APPELLATE BRIEFS AND ORAL ARGUMENT  CHAPTER 12. PREPARING WRIT APPLICATIONS,PETITIONS FOR REHEARING,AND APPELLATE MOTIONSAppendix Ⅰ Problem:Olsen v.State of ArcadiaAppendix Ⅱ Example of an Appellate BriefAppendix Ⅲ Example of a Petition for CertiorariIndex



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