合同法,05-06法令增補本Rules of Contract Law 05-06 Statutory Supplement

出版時間:2004-12  出版社:Aspen Publishers  作者:Arthur Best 著  頁數(shù):285  


A favorite among law students and professors alike, the Examples & Explanations series is ideal for studying, reviewing and testing your understanding through application of hypothetical examples. Authored by leading professors with extensive classroom experience, Examples & Explanations titles offer hypothetical questions in the subject area, complemented by detailed explanations that allow you to test your knowledge of the topic, and compare your own analysis.


PrefaceAcknowledgmentsChapter 1:  THE GENERAL REQUIREMENT OF RELEVANCE  Introduction    The Basic Standard and Its Application    Unfair Prejudice    Limited Admissibility    Conditional Relevance    Recurring Situations    Flight    Similar Happenings    Statistical ProofChapter 2:  SPECIFIC EXCLUSIONS OF RELEVANT MATERIAL  Introduction    Insurance    Subsequent Remedial Measures    Compromises and Offers to Compromise    Payments of Medical Expenses    Nolo Contendere and Withdrawn Guilty Pleas    Character Evidence    The Propensity Inference    Non-propensity Uses of Character Evidence    "Character in Issue"    Habit    Form of Proof Related to Character    Character of the Accused and the Victim    Character of the Sexual Assault Victim    Constitutional Restrictions on Exclusion of Defense Evidence    Summary of Permitted Uses of Propensity EvidenceChapter 3:  DEFINING HEARSAY  Introduction    Basic Rule    Basic Rationale for Excluding Hearsay    Detailed Analysis of Statements Typically Not Offered to Prove the Truth of What They Assert    Visual Aids    Detailed Analysis of What Constitutes a Statement    Classic Hearsay PuzzlesChapter 4:  EXCEPTIONS TO THE HEARSAY EXCLUSIONARY RULE  Introduction    Statements Exempted from the Federal Rules Definition of Hearsay      Admissions      Prior Statements by a Witness    Groupings of Hearsay Exceptions under the Federal Rules    Statements Defined as Hearsay but Admissible Without Regard to the Declarant's Availability      Present Sense Impressions      Excited Utterances      Present Sense Impression and Excited Utterance Compared      Statements of Current Mental, Emotional, or Physical Condition      Statements for Medical Diagnosis or Treatment      Past Recollection Recorded      Business and Public Agency Records      Ancient Documents      Miscellaneous Exceptions    Statements Defined as Hearsay but Admissible if the Declarant Is "Unavailable"      Definition of Unavailable      Former Testimony      Dying Declarations      Statement Against Interest      Statement by Person Rendered Unavailable: Forfeiture by Wrongdoing    Residual Exception    Hearsay and the Confrontation ClauseChapter 5:  EXAMINATION AND IMPEACHMENTChapter 6:  EXPERT TESTIMONYChapter 7:  PRIVILEGESChapter 8:  AUTHENTICATION AND THE ORIGINAL WRITING RULEChapter 9:  PRESUMPTIONSChapter 10:  JUDICIAL NOTICEAppendix: FEDERAL RULES OF EVIDENCETable of CasesIndex



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