Microsoft SQL Server 2005 內幕

出版時間:2007-9  出版社:Microsoft Press  作者:Kalen Delaney,Sunil Agarwal,Craig Freedman,Ron Talmage,Adam Machanic  頁數(shù):406  


Dive deep into the internals of query tuning and optimization in SQL Server 2005 with this comprehensive reference. Understanding the internals of SQL Server helps database developers and administrators to better create, access, and effectively process information from enterprise data. Written by experts on SQL Server, this volume from the Inside Microsoft SQL Server series of books focuses on query tuning and optimization. Youll take an in-depth look at the best ways to make queries more efficient and effective, while maximizing existing resources. Includes extensive code samples and table examples to help database developers and administrators understand the intricacies and help promote mastery of query tuning and optimization.


Kalen Delaney is the Series Editor for the Inside SQL Server series of   books from Microsoft Press. She has been working with SQL Server since 1987   and has been a Microsoft MVP since 1995. She is a founding mentor of Solid   Quality Learning, where she helps develop courses and training materials.   Kalen is a contributing editor and columnist for SQL Server Magazine and   the author of several books on SQL Server, including Inside Microsoft SQL   Server 2000.


1 A Performance Troubleshooting Methodology2 Tracing and Profiling3 Query Execution4 Troubleshooting Query Performance5 Plan Caching and Recompilation6 Concurrency Problems




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