Fisher Price Sleepytime Farm: A-Move-Along-Bead Book (木板書)

出版時間:1999年03月  出版社:Reader's Digest Association  作者:Sarah Willson  


Moveable beads -- a staple in every nursery -- are  ingeniously incorporated into a charming board book to create  Move-Along Bead Books. On each spread, the reader is instructed to  move one or more beads to the opposite side of the plastic hoop to  reinforce early development skills, such as eye-hand coordination,  visual tracking, and object identification. The plastic hoop is  securely embedded into the back of the book and meets all safety  requirements. Babies will love moving the large beads all by  themselves as they "read" the story.    In Sleepytime Farm, just before bedtime the moon invites the  baby animals to play. Kids follow along by moving the bead that  matches the animal in each picture.    Format: Books with Toys    Dimensions (inches): 5 1/2 x 9



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