Winning the Global Talent Showdown How Businesses and Communities Can Partner to Rebuild the Jobs Pipeline贏得全球天才秀企業(yè)如何和社區(qū)合作伙伴重建職位通道

出版時間:2009-4  作者:Edward E Gordon  


Theres a growing consensus that the current job development systemboth in the US and overseas--is badly broken. Too many people cant find good jobs. Too many businesses cant find qualified people. Whats behind the deep talent shortages that now confront the United States and much of the world? And how can we rebuild the pipeline?    作者簡介:  EDWARD E. GORDON is President of the Imperial Consulting Corporation. He has also taught for 20 years at three Chicago-area universities: DePaul, Loyola, and Northwestern. He is the author of many articles and 12 other books, including Closing the Literacy Gap (1991), Futurework (1994), Enhancing Learning (1998), and Skills Wars (2000).


PrefaceIntroduction:What's Causing the Global Talent Crunch?PART 1 MAKING SENSE OF THE TALENT SHORTAGE AROUND THE WORLD   Chatper 1 The Americas  Chatper 2 Asia  Chapter 3 Europe and RussiaPART 2 HARNESSING THE POWER OF PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS  Chapter 4 Expanding the Talent Pool  Chapter 5 Fixing the Educaiotn-to-Employment System  Chapter 6 Producing New TalentNotesResourcesAcknowledgmentsIndexAbout the Author




    Winning the Global Talent Showdown How Businesses and Communities Can Partner to Rebuild the Jobs Pipeline贏得全球天才秀企業(yè)如何和社區(qū)合作伙伴重建職位通道 PDF格式下載

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