
出版時間:2007-12  出版社:TAJ  作者:本社 編  頁數(shù):156  


Take a journey inside the mysterious world of our body, through pages of beautifuland detailed anatomical images. Analysis and summaries throughout the text will allow us to study the human body, from its posture and bipedal walk, to the development of the brain and speech and of those anatomical structures thatcharacterize us and distinguish us from animals. Following this, other organs arediscussed, including the elements that characterize them. Each topic is connected to another through a network of "references" which allow us to skip from one to the next as if it was a hypertext. We believe that this structure is the best way to learn and understand anatomy and the human body. It is, in fact, the transversal wayof "reading "the body, which evokes the profound inter-relations between thecomponents of this wonderful "organic machine" called the body.


DISCOVERING THE HUMAN BODY  The Origins  In Rome  The Renaissance  The revolution of Andrea Vesalio  Toward modern anatomy  SpecializationSIMILAR AND DIFFERENT  Baby boy and baby girl  Young boy and young girl  Man and womanTHE CELLULAR BASIS OF ANATOMY  Observational instruments  Prepare and look at tissues     Epithelial tissue     Muscle tissue     Muscular contraction     Nerve tissue     Transmission of nerve impulses     Connective tissue     Terms in anatomySKELETON AND MUSCLES  THE SKELETON OR SKELETAL SYSTEM  How the skeleton is divided  The Bones  The Joints    The skull    The spinal column    The thorax    Scapular girdle and the bones of the upper limbs    Pelvis and bones of the lower limbsTHE MUSCLES OR THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM  The skeletal muscles  The involuntary muscles    The muscles of the skull    Dorsal muscles    Trunk muscles    Scapular muscles and upper limbs muscles    Hip muscles and lower limbs muscles    An typically human organ:the hand    The key points of an erect posture:Hip knee footNERVESAND ENDOCRINE GLANDES  ……THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEMDIGESTION AND RESPIRATIONBLOOD CIRCULATION AND LYMPHATIC CIRCULATIONSKIN AND KIDNEYSREPRODUCTIONGLOSSARYANALYTICAL INDEXA CLOSER LOOKMEDICAL PAGES



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