Alison Jay Wheels and Wings 埃里森 杰 輪子與翅膀 9781848770140

出版時間:2011-5  作者:Jay, Alison  


This is the next title in touch and feel series using Alison Jay's trademark crackle-glazed artwork.  It explores the theme of transport through hands-on interaction with a texture on every spread and on the cover.  Transport of all kinds zooms to life beneath readers' fingertips in Touch and Feel: Wheels and Wings. Readers can prod a squishy hot-air balloon, feel the rough wood of a rowing boat or the smooth wings of an aeroplane, stroke a galloping horse's mane or a racing car's bonnet and touch a yacht's sail. This is the next in a series of touch and feel books that present Alison Jay's perenially popular artwork in an exciting new format



    Alison Jay Wheels and Wings 埃里森 杰 輪子與翅膀 9781848770140 PDF格式下載

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