Machines, Computations, and Universality機器、計算與普遍性/會議文集

出版時間:2005-4  出版社:北京燕山出版社  作者:Margenstern, Maurice  頁數(shù):327  


This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed postproceedings of the 4th International Conference on Machines, Computations, and Universality, MCU 2004, held in St. Petersburg, Russia in September 2004.    The 21 revised full papers presented together with 5 invited papers went through two rounds of reviewing, selection, and improvement. A broad variety of foundational aspects in theoretical computer science are addressed, such as cellular automata, molecular computing, quantum computing, formal languages, automata theory, Turing machines, P systems, etc.


Invited Lectures  Algorithmic Randomness, Quantum Physics, and Incompleteness  On the Complexity of Universal Programs  Finite Sets of Words and Computing  Universality and Cellular Automata  Leaf Language ClassesSelected Contributions  Computational Completeness of P Systems with Active Membranes and Two Polarizations  Computing with a Distributed Reaction-Diffusion Model  Computational Universality in Symbolic Dynamical Systems  Real Recursive Functions and Real Extensions of Recursive Functions  Ordering and Convex Polyominoes  Subshifts Behavior of Cellular Automata. Topological Properties and Related Languages  Evolution and Observation: A Non-standard Way to Accept Formal Languages  The Computational Power of Continuous Dynamic Systems  Abstract Geometrical Computation for Black Hole Computation  Is Bosco's Rule Universal?  Sequential P Systems with Unit Rules and Energy Assigned to  Membranes  Hierarchies of DLOGTIME-Uniform Circuits  Several New Generalized Linear- and Optimum-Time Synchronization Algorithms for Two-Dimensional Rectangular Arrays  Register Complexity of LOOP-, WHILE-, and GOT0-Programs  Classification and Universality of Reversible Logic Elements with One-Bit Memory  Universal Families of Reversible P Systems  Solving 3CNF-SAT and HPP in Linear Time Using WWW  Completing a Code in a Regular Submonoid of the Free Monoid  On Computational Universality in Language Equations  Attacking the Common Algorithmic Problem by Recognizer P Systems  On the Minimal Automaton of the Shuffle of Words and AraucariasAuthor Index



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