
出版時間:2006-12  出版社:湖北辭書出版社  作者:Alferes, Jose Julio; Bailey, James; May, Wolfgang  頁數(shù):275  


This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Principles and Practice of Semantic Web Reasoning, PPSWR 2006, held in Budva, Montenegro in June 2006 as a satellite event of the 3rd Annual European Semantic Web Conference, ESWC 2006.  The 14 revised full papers presented together with 1 invited talk and 6 system demonstrations were carefully reviewed and selected from 25 submissions. The major aspects of semantic Web research are addressed in the papers, namely various forms of reasoning with a strong interest in rule-based languages and methods - ranging from more theoretical work on reasoning methods that can be applied to the semantic Web, concrete reasoning methods and query languages for the semantic Web, to practical applications.


Session 1. Invited Talk  The RuleML Family of Web Rule LanguagesSession 2. Reasoning I  Automated Reasoning Support for First-Order Ontologies  Combining Safe Rules and Ontologies by Interfacing of ReasonersSession 3. Applications  Realizing Business Processes with ECA Rules: Benefits, Challenges, Limits  Interaction Protocols and Capabilities: A Preliminary Report  Semantic Web Reasoning for Analyzing Gene Expression ProfilesSession 4. Querying  Data Model and Query Constructs for Versatile Web Query Languages State-of-the-Art and Challenges for Xcerpt  AMhxoS--Abstract Machine for Xcerpt: Architecture and Principles  Towards More Precise Typing Rules for Xcerpt.Session 5. Reasoning II  Extending an OWL Web Node with Reactive Behavior  Supporting Open and Closed World Reasoning on the Web  Reasoning with Temporal Constraints in RDFSession 6. Reasoning III  Bidirectional Mapping Between OWL DL and Attempto Controlled English  XML Querying Using Ontological Information  Semantic Web Reasoning Using a Blackboard SystemSystems Session  Effective and Efficient Data Access in the Versatile Web Query Language Xcerpt  Web Queries with Style: Rendering Xcerpt Programs with CSSNG  Information Gathering in a Dynamic World  Practice of Inductive Reasoning on the Semantic Web: A System for Semantic Web Mining ……Author Index



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