
出版時間:2006-12  出版社:湖南文藝出版社  作者:Abdul Sattar 著  頁數(shù):1303  


This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Third International Conference on Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence, MDAI 2006, held in Tarragona, Spain, in April 2006. The 31 revised full papers presented together with 4 invited lectures were thoroughly reviewed and selected from 97 submissions. The papers are devoted to theory and tools for modeling decisions, as well as applications that encompass decision making processes and information fusion techniques.


Invited Talks  What Can We Do with Graph-Structured Data?   A Data Mining Perspective  Morphological Computation - Connecting Brain, Body, and Environment  Interaction-Oriented Programming: Concepts, Theories and Results on Commitment Protocols  Symmetry BreakingPART I:  Regular Papers  Foundations and Knowledge Based System  Heyting Domains for Constraint Abduction  Feedback in Multimodal Self-organizing Networks Enhances Perception of Corrupted Stimuli  Identification of Fuzzy Relation Model Using HFC-Based Parallel  Genetic Algorithms and Information Data Granulation  Evaluation of Incremental Knowledge Acquisition with Simulated ExpertsKnowledge Representation and Reasoning Finite Domain Bounds Consistency Revisited  Speeding Up Weighted Constraint Satisfaction Using Redundant Modeling  Verification of Multi-agent Systems Via Bounded Model Checking  Logical Properties of Belief-Revision-Based Bargaining Solution  Knowledge Compilation for Belief Change  Design Methodologies of Fuzzy Set-Based Fuzzy Model Based on GAs and Information Granulation  A Defeasible Description Logic  Representation and Reasoning for Recursive Probability Models  Forgetting and Knowledge UpdateMachine Learning  Enhanced Temporal Difference Learning Using Compiled Eligibility Traces  A Simple Artificial Immune System (SAIS) for Generating Classifier Systems  Selection for Feature Gene Subset in Microarray Expression Profiles  Based on an Improved Genetic Algorithm  An Efficient Alternative to SVM Based Recursive Feature  Elimination with Applications in Natural Language Processing and Bioinformatics    ……Connectionist AIData MiningIntelligtnt AgentsCognition and Ussr InterfaceVision and Image ProcessingNatural Longuage Processing and Wicb IntellingencNetural NetwarsSearch and PodingRoboficeAl ApplicationsAuthor Index




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