兒科病理骨閃爍掃描法圖譜 Atlas of Bone Scintigraphy in the Pathological Paediatric Skeleton

出版時間:1996-05-13  出版社:Springer  作者:Isky Gordon,Sibylle Fischer,Klaus Hahn  頁數(shù):343  


This atlas covers both the common and the less common pathologies affecting the paediatric skeleton, providing illustrations, teaching points, technical comments, and text discussion. Variations in the appearances of osteomyelitis are also extensively illustrated. The procedures employed to create the images presented in this volume include whole body scanning, gamma camera high resolution spot images, pin hole and SPECT. Three phase bone scans are also illustrated. Indications for the use of each procedure are dicussed. The many illustrations in this atlas offer the paediatrician, orthopaedic surgeon, radiologist and nuclear medicine physician the opportunity to compare them with their own images or with the "normal" images presented in the previous companion volume.


Chapter l:IntroductionChapter 2:Infection  2.1  typical Hot Lesion in Bone    2.1.1  lower limbs    2.1.2   UpperLimbs  2. 2  Less Cnnunon Appearances    2.2.1  Normal ScanGoing ontoAbnormal    2.2.2  Single Bonc with Increased and Decreased Uptake    2.2.3  Acnte Osteomyelitis Cold Lesions Only    2.2.4  ACHtC Multifocal Osteomyelitis    2 2.5  Chronic Inkction NotTuberculosis    2.2.6  Tubcrculosis  2.3    Unusual Siles.Excluding the Long Bones    2.3.1  Skull    2.3.2  Thorax    2.3.3  Spirio    2.3.4  Pelvis    2.3.5  Fcct  2.4    Non-skelelal Infection  2.5    GrowlhArrestChaplet3:Arthritis  3.1    Septic Arthritis    3.1.1  npical Appearances    3.1.2  Multlfocal Arthrltis    3.1.3  0steomyelilis as a Compllcation of Septic Arthritl5  3.2    AsepticArthritis    3.2.1  Inflanlinatory Arthritis    3.2.2  ImitablepChapter4:lmnours  4.1    BenignTLImOllrS    4.1.1  0slcoid Ostconla    4.l.2  osteoblastonma    4.1.3  Benign Fibrous CorticaI Dcfcct    4.1.4  Bonc cvsts    4.1.4  SimpleBonc cvstw    4.4.2 Fracturesm a SimpleBoncCyst    4.1.4 3 Aneurysmal Bone Cvsts  4. 2    Malignant Funlours    4.2.l  Skeletal Sarcoma Ewlng'sarcoma 0steogenic Sarcoma Chondrosa rCOlna    4.2.2 NeLImccCodcrmalTunlours      4.2.2.l Pmltlve neuroectodermal tumours Neuroblastoma Phacochtonocvtoma    4.2.3  Rcticular Endothelial System MaligIlaney      4.2.3.l Hodgkin's Lymphoma Non rHodgkin’s Lymphoma Lc Llkaemla Mycklfibrosis    4.2.4 0111cr nlmmln Rhabdomyosarcom GermCellTLlmour Synm,lODla soft tissue sarcoma  4.3    Tumonr Secondaries    4.3.1  Effcct of treatment    4.3.2  metastases  4.4. Langerhans’HistiocytosisChapter5:Tranllla  5.1    Appearances at Common Sites    5.l.l  Skull and Face    5.1.2  I horax and Shoulder    5.1.3  UpperLimbs   5.1.4  Spine   5.1.5  FcInur   5.1.6  Fmul cl   5.1.7  Feet  5.2  UnusualAppearances ofLocations ofFrartures   5.2.1  Stress Fracture   5.2.2  Slipped Femoral CaliIal Epiphysis   5.2.3  SDondvlonsIllesls   5.2.4  Trauma Secondary to Cold Exposure  5.3 Diffuse Skeletal Involvement   5.3.1  Polytraum8   5.3.2  BatteredChild  5.4  Complication ofTrauma   5.4.1  PseudarthYosis   5.4.2  lnkorion with lramna   5.4.3  Soft]jssuc Datnage   5.4.4  Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Sudeck's Atrophy   5.4.5  Necrosis oi Bone   5.4.6  Growth arrest  5.5 Bone Response tn Underlying Pathology   5.5.1  Pathological Fracture   5.5.2  Rcsponsc to Pressure  5.6  Posl-operative Appearances  5.7 Effect ofRadiotherapyChapter 6:OsteochondrilisDissecans—AvascularNecrosis  6.1 Legg-Perthes’Disease  6.2 0ther Sites ofOsteochondritis Dissecans  6.3 Sickle Cell DiseaseChapter7:miscellaneous Chapter8: Unusual Appearances of the Bone-seeking TracerSubject Index



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