出版時(shí)間:2009-10 出版社:人民出版社 作者:江小涓 編 頁數(shù):397
Chinas reform and opening up has been carried out for 30 years. It hasresulted in extensive and profound influences. This book was written to showsuch a great opening- up process. I am very lucky to write this book together with Gang Yi, Qing Chang,Zixian Wang and Shijin Liu. Chinas openingup has its unique backgroundand development mode, so there are many different opinions, even disputeson how to look at this process. In this process, financial sector, agricultureand automobile industry are typical cases that have exerted great influences.How to entangle these industries for readers to understand the developmentprocess is a tough task. The chapters written by the above mentioned expertsnot only clearly explained the Chinas uniqueness of these industries, but alsointegrated economics theories into the analysis, such as division of labor, eco-nomics of scale and enterprise management system, etc. This is a reflection ofthe experts solid theoretical background, accurate insight, rich experiencesand professional attitude. In the mean time, I also want to thank associate re-search fellow Zhanqi Yao and two PhDs both with the name Jun Wang. Chinas openingup is one important branch of my research, so it hasalways been my wish to summarize and review the 30 years history. Part ofthe book was written one year before the official start of related studies.
Chapter One 30 years since the opening - up of China: an overall description and a theoretical analysis 1.1 The history: the opening - up and the symbolic achievements of China 1.2 Upgrades in the structure and the growth, development of the reformed economy 1.3 The enjoyment of "Bonuses" by the global community and the benefits received by China 1.4 Opening - up allows for further revolution: the importance of China' s opening its gates to the outside worldChapter Two Foreign trade development and economic growth 2.1 Total foreign trade growth and some characteristic stage variations 2.2 The structural change of foreign trade 2.3 Characteristics of China's foreign trade development: the salient influences of fullly foreign - owned enterprises and the processing trade 2.4 The growth, scale, and structure of service trade 2.5 A simple quantitative analysis of the relationship between foreign trade and economic development 2.6 The establishment and rising as a major country for foreign tradeChapter Three Absorbing international resources and international investments: the meaning behind the disposition of key points in globalization 3.1 The four stages and characteristics in the absorbing of international resources in China 3.2 The status of international investment companies in the national economy 3.3 The changes and status of China as the largest FDI country 3.4 The fast increase jn ~ffshore direct investments and the rise of China as the motherland of investorsChapter Four The opening - up and the advancement of competitiveness of the local industries 4.1 The collisions upon local firms induced by import and FDI 4.2 Some favorable factors to render the impacts from opening-up 4.3 The spillover effects of opening - up and its facilitating consequences 4.4 Introduction of technology and exploitation of foreign markets, the case of electrical home appliance industry 4.5 The new rise after the impact: the case of detergent industryChapter Five The opening-up encourages structural transformation 5.1 Using opening - up to incite reform: a world model of successful structural……Chapter Six The opening-up of China's agriculture industry and the re-disposition of international division system in the world agriculture industryChapter Seven Opening up, competition and industry improvements: China's automobile industry as and exampleChapter Eight The logic of opening-up of China's financial industryChapter Nine The latest trend in economic globalization: international background of China's wider opening to the outside worldChapter Ten New goal of opening-up: incrasing total factor productivity and perfecting the opening-up systemAppendix Big events in China's 30 years' reform and opening-up Epilogue
1. The political decisions and basic knowledge released about the outsideworld The decision of liberating China to outside views is based on the threekey factors that are, firstly, to raise the living standards of the populace, secondly, to communicate with the outside world, and thirdly, to benefit the international community. These three points is a key representative of thechange of the point of view of the decision makers, and the most basic reference for the decision makers to make their moves accurately. In 1976, 10 years after the Cultural Revolution, the population of Chinacalled for economic development and raises in the life standard. As to how tomodernize the nation,and respond to these critical demands, became thehighest priority for the party itself. They found that, as the nations economygradually became deranged and the political power became weak, the world economy continued to grow, and the technological advances continued rapidly.Many developing nations, especially those in Asia, made great progress withinfew years. The lives of the people in such nations brightened. Compared tothe practical halt in advances in our own nation, the difference was large.These nations soon gained an important experience, which was opening themselves to the Western world, allowing international cooperation to happen, interms of governmental and economic alliances. By taking in outside resourcesand technologies and encouraging trade between nations, these developingcountries soon gained power in the global market. These results show clearlythat it is much easier to develop one s nation through global connections, andit would be nearly impossible to develop all by oneself, as China had alwaysdone. Thus, the decision makers of our nation created the thought of "Peaceand Development", which is still, today, a great ideal in our nation. These new ideals and theories broke through the feelings of treason and hatred that were rampant upon the old China for those who cooperated with the outside, and thus, a firm base was created for international development.