出版時間:2008-8 出版社:科學出版社 作者:陳光樂,鄒曉燕 著 頁數(shù):317
本書旨在較短時間內(nèi)通過強化訓練提高應試者的聽力能力,突破聽力難關,幫助應試者順利通過新題型的考試。把握四級考試最新脈搏,完全以2005年教育部頒布的大學英語四級新樣卷為藍本,準確反映四級考試大綱要求、最新變化和命題趨勢。與同類書籍相比,本書具有選材新穎、趣味性強、難易適當、針對性強,練習高效等特點,是四級備考的必備用書。全書結合新題型真題及歷年典型真題,將最近幾年的真題詳細分類,對短對話、長對話、短文理解和復合式聽寫分別進行真題透析和強化訓練,同時結合一定量的模擬、預測題進一步對應試者進行強化訓練。本書附有聽力文字材料并配有MP3光盤,練習部分完全按照四級聽力考試的語速錄制,使應試者如同親臨大學英語四級聽力考場,真切地感受考場氣氛?! ”緯卜?2個單元,每個單元都包括短對話、長對話、短文理解和復合式聽寫四大新題型。其中每單元短對話8個,長對話2個,短文3篇和1篇復合式聽寫。四大題型的聽力材料主要以歷年真題為基礎,同時補充了一定量的具有趣味性、時代性、難易恰當?shù)念A測材料,內(nèi)容豐富充實,給考生提供一個演習的訓練場,從數(shù)量上保證練習的充分性,從質(zhì)量上保證練習的高效性?! ”緯饕m用于考生對新題型四級聽力理解的訓練,適應于具有中級英語水平學生自學之用,尤其適合四級強化班教師參考之用。
聽力試題Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3Unit 4Unit 5Unit 6Unit 7Unit 8Unit 9Unit 10Unit 11Unit 12Unit 13Unit 14Unit 15Unit 16Unit 17Unit 18Unit 19Unit 20Unit 21Unit 22Unit 23Unit 24Unit 25Unit 26Unit 27Unit 28Unit 29Unit 30Unit 31Unit 32附錄1 2006年12月大學英語四級考試真題聽力部分附錄2 2007年6月大學英語四級考試真題聽力部分聽力文稿Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3Unit 4Unit 5Unit 6Unit 7Unit 8Unit 9Unit 10Unit 11Unit 12Unit 13Unit 14Unit 15Unit 16Unit 17Unit 18Unit 19Unit 20Unit 21Unit 22Unit 23Unit 24Unit 25Unit 26Unit 27Unit 28Unit 29Unit 30Unit 31Unit 32附錄1附錄2
A fire is always exciting and dangerous. People crowd around to watch the smoke, theflames, and fire fighters, who risk their lives to save others lives. Fire fighters are in danger ofbums and smoke injuries. Nevertheless, they save thousands of lives and millions of dollars ofproperty every year. Fighting fires is not just risky. It is also very demanding. Fire fighters do their jobs in rainor shine, whether its 100For 20Tbelow zero. At a fire, they carry heavy gear up and downstairs or ladders. They search for trapped people. They hack holes in the roof to release smokeand gas. They hold hoses on the fire. Those hoses are heavy, and the water in them shoots outunder great pressure. In fact, it usually takes two fire fighters to hold one hose. Fire fighters also have many other duties. Sometimes they have to give first aid, and theirequipment must be kept in order. They must visit factories and public buildings to check firedangers. Fire fighters are hired by local governments. Some small cities and towns use volunteerfire fighters. Fighting fires is an important job. That means there will always be jobs for firefighters. However, the number of jobs available and the rate of pay depend upon the budget.Beginning fire fighters make between $10 000 and $12 000, and they generally receive regularraises. A person has to pass certain tests in order to be hired as a fire fighter, among these aretests of intelligence and strength. The tests are given to men and women who meet the heightand weight standards and have high school degrees. Applicants must also be at least 18 yearsold. After they are hired, new fire fighters spend a few weeks in a training school. They areassigned to a fire company.