
出版時間:2009-1  出版社:Mu Zhao、Lizhu Song、 Xiaobao Fan 科學(xué)出版社 (2009-01出版)  作者:Mu Zhao,Lizhu Song,Xiaobao Fan  頁數(shù):238  


The phase diagram is one of the most extensively used disciplines in the AppliedSciences. They are relevant to different areas both in science and engineering, aswell as to the various branches of the national economy. In many scientific andtechnical specialties, such as physics, chemistry, geology, materials science andtechnology, chemical engineering, etc, it is easy to find its application that stronglyshows the importance of phase diagram in the science and technology today.In the early stages of development, phase diagrams were mainly obtained fromexperimental measurements. With the increasing number of the system compo-nents as well as the severe demands placed on experimental materials requiringcorrosion-resistant, heat-resistant, etc, the experimental methods were no longerable to meet these requirements, especially with respect to generating multi-component phase diagrams. The theoretical calculation of phase diagram has nowbecome the principal method for obtaining the desired phase diagrams. This routehas been especially favored by the rapid advance of research and development incomputer science and technology that induced the “art” of phase diagram calcu-lation to a new level. Under these circumstances, the continuing research on thetheory of phase diagrams has recently and naturally becomes the topic of greatand lasting interest, to both applied scientists and engineers alike.


  The Boundary Theory of Phase Diagrams and Its Application Rules forPhase Diagram Construction with Phase Regions and Their Boundariespresents a novel theory of phase diagrams. Thoroughly revised on the basisof the Chinese edition and rigorously reviewed, this book inspects thegeneral feature and structure of phase diagrams, and reveals that there existactually two categories of boundaries. This innovative boundary theoryhas solved many difficulties in understanding phase diagrams, and alsofinds its application in constructing multi-component phase diagrams orin calculating high-pressure phase diagrams. Researchers and engineers aswell as graduate students in the areas of chemistry, metallurgy and materialsscience will benefit from this book.Prof. Muyu Zhao was the recipient of the 1998 Prize for Progress in Scienceand Technology (for his work on the boundary theory of phase diagrams)awarded by the National Commission of Education, China, and many otherprizes.


Muyu Zhao,College of Chemistry Jilin UniversityChangchun, 130012, ChinaEmail: muyuzhao1929 @yahoo.com.cn.Xiaobao Fan,Tekna Plasma Systems, Inc.Sherbrooke, CanadaEmail: xiaobao.fan @ tekna.com.Lizhu Song,College of ChemistryJilin UniversityChangchun, 130012, ChinaEmail: slz@jlu.edu.cn.


PrefaceCommentIntroductionPart One The Phase Rule, Its Deductionand ApplicationChapter 1 The Phase Rule, Its Deduction and Application1.1 Why do We Discuss the Phase Rule at First1.2 Different Methods for Deducing the Phase Rule:The Method of Gibbs Himself,Gibbs-Roozeboom's Method and the Method of Gibbs Free Energy Minimization1.3 Determination of the Number of Independent Components by Brinkley's Method1.4 Some Remarks on the Application of the Phase RuleReferences-1Summary of Part OnePart Two The Boundary Theory of Isobaric PhaseDiagrams and Its ApplicationChapter 2The Boundary Theory of Isobaric Phase Diagrams——Rules for Phase Diagram Construction2.1 Introduction2.2 Several Basic Concepts for Underlying the Phase Diagram2.3 The Theorem of the Corresponding Relationship between the Total Number of All the Different Phases in NPRs φand the Dimensions of the Phase Boundary R1 in Phase Diagrams, and Its Theoretical Deduction2.4 The Theorem of the Corresponding Relationship (TCR) is an Independent Theorem, Not a Variant of the Phase Rule2.5 Corollaries of TCR for Isobaric Phase Diagrams2.6 The Relationship between the Dimensions of the Phase Boundary R1and the Dimensions of the Boundary R1' for Isobaric Multicomponent Phase Diagrams2.7 The Summary of the Boundary Theory of Isobaric Phase DiagramsReferences-2Chapter 3 Application of the Boundary Theory to Unary, Binary and Ternary Phase DiagramsComparison of the Boundary Theory Application and Palatnik-Landau's Contact Rule of Phase Regions3.1 Determination of Phase Assemblages of NPRs and the Characteristics of Their Boundaries by the Boundary Theory3.2 Application of the Boundary Theory to Unary Phase Diagrams3.3 Application of the Boundary Theory to Binary Phase Diagrams3.4 Application of the Boundary Theory to Ternary Phase Diagrams3.5 Explanation of Rhines' Ten Empirical Rules for ConstructingComplicated Ternary Phase Diagrams with the Bounary Theory3.6 Comparison of the Boundary Theory and the P-L's Contact Rule ofPhase RegionsReferences-3Chapter 4The Application of the Boundary Theory of Phase Diag-rams to the Quaternary and Higher Number Component Phase Diagrams4.1 Introduction4.2 The Relationship among NPRs and their Boundaries in a Typical, Iso-baric, Quaternary Phase Diagram4.3 During Temperature Decreasing, Some Cases of Variations of the NPRsand their Boundaries, May be Encountered for Several Types ofQuaternary Isobaric Phase Diagrams4.4 The Isobaric Quinary Phase Diagrams4.5 ConclusionReferences-4Chapter 5 The Boundary Theory in Construction of Multicompo-nent Isothermal Sections5.1 The Relationship among Neighboring Phase Regions (NPRs) and Th- eir Boundaries in Isobaric Isothermal Multicomponent Sections5.2 The Non-Contact Phase Regions and the Boundaries between Them Contents5.3 Construction of an Isothermal Quinary Section, with Limited Information5.4 The Method of Constructing an Isothermal Eight-Component section5 5 Summary of Part TwoPart Three The Boundary Theory methodReferences-5Chapter 6 The Boundary Theory of Multicomponent Isobaric Isopleth Sections6.1 Introduction6.2 The Characteristics of Boundaries in Isopleth Sections for the Case ofⅣ≥2 and R1≥16.3 The Characteristics of Boundaries in the Isopleth Section for the Case of N≥2,R1=0,there is no Invariant Phase Transition between the two NPRs6.4 The Case 0f N≥2,R1=0,there is an Invariant Phase Transition between the two NPRs.In this Case,there may be fl,Boundary Line or a Boundary Point between two NPRs'6.5 Example6.6 The TheOrY of Two~Dimensional Sections of Isobaric Multicomponent Phase Diagrams.References-6Chapter 7 The Application of the Boundary Theory to Isobaric Phase Diagrams7.1 Brief Review of the Application for the Boundary Theory7.2 The Analysis of the Fe-Cr-C Isopleth Section。7.3 The Application of the Boundary Theory to Phase Diagram Calculation7.4 The Application of the Boundary Theory to Phase Diagram Assessment.7.5 The Application of the Boundary Theory to Phase Diagram DeterlllinatiOn7.6 The Application of the Boundary Theory to Phase Diagram Education.References-7Summay of part twoPart Three The Boundary Theory and Calculation of High Pressure Phase DiagramsChapter.8 The Boundary Theory for p-T-xi Multieomponent Phase Diagrams8.1 Introduction8.2 The Theorem of Corresponding Relationship for p-T-xi Multicomponent Phase Diagrams and Its Corollaries8.3 The Relationship between R'1 and R1 in p-T-xi Multicomponent Phase Diagrams8.4 The Relationship among NPRs and Their Boundaries for the p-T-x Binary Phase Diagrams8.5 Relationship among NPRs and their Boundaries for the p-T-xi Ternary Phase Diagram8.6 The Application of Boundary Theory for Quaternary p-T-xi Phase Diagrams8.7 The Reliability of the Boundary Theory of Multicomponent p-T-xi Phase DiagramsReferences-8Chapter 9 The Calculation of Unary High-Pressure Phase Diagra-ms and the Boundary Theory of p-T Phase Diagrams of Multieomponent Systems9.1 Introduction9.2 Calculation of Unary p-T Diagrams9.3 The Boundary Theory of p-T Phase Diagrams of Multicomponent Systems without Composition VariableReferences-9Chapter 10 Calculation of Binary High-Pressure Phase Diagrams10.1 Principles for the Calculation of Binary Phase Diagrams at Elevated Pressures10.2 Calculation of the Standard Molar Gibbs Free Energy for the Pure Components10.3 Calculation of Activity Coefficientsγ i(T, po, xi) Of the/-tit Component in the Equilibrium Phases10.4 Partial Molar Volumes10.5 Some Remarks on the Values of a andβ10.6 Example-Calculation of the Cd-Pb Phase Diagram at High PressureReferences-10Chapter 11 The Calculation of High-Pressure Ternary Phase Dia-grams11.1 The Characteristics of the Boundaries of the High-Pressure Ternary Phase Diagrams, and the Basic Equations for Their Calculation 11.2 The Treatment of Thermodynamic Parameters for Ternary Systems at High Pressure11.3 Verification of the Estimation Method for the Excess Molar Volume by Experiment11.4 The Calculation of High-Pressure Phase Diagrams of Cd-Pb-Sn and Cd-Sn-Zn Systems11.5 Verification of Calculated High-Pressure Ternary Phase Diagrams through Experimental Determination 11.6 The Comparison between the Methods of Experimental Determina- tion and Thermodynamic Calculation of High Pressure Phase DiagramsReferences-11Summary of Part ThreeReferences of This BookImportant SymbolsIndexAnnex


插圖:Chapter 1 The Phase Rule, Its Deduction andApplication1.1	Why do We Discuss the Phase Rule at FirstThe Gibbs phase rule is now a long established principle of Chemistry, very wellknown by all physical chemists and materials scientists. So, why do we still need towrite a chapter to discuss this classic, fundamental law of Chemical science, at theoutset of this treatise?Textbooks, as published for the explanation of physical chemistry and the useof phase diagrams, usually present only a simple method for the "deduction" of thephase rule. However, the original "rule" as deduced by Gibbs himself, is both strictand well thought-out, indeed students can learn much from his method. The Gibbs-Roozebooms method, though simple, is, nevertheless, full of wisdom. The deductionof the phase rule under the circumstance, involving particular chemical reactions,by application of the mathematicM method of Gibbs free energy minimization, istoday, only presented in a few monographs. By means of this method however, boththe phase rule, and the law of mass action used for the chemical equilibrium, aresuccessfully deduced. This is indeed a very interesting circumstance.When applying the phase rule, an important and difficult problem to treat isthe determination of the number of independent components involved. Generally,ordinary Physical Chemistry texts only present Jouguet's method for the deductionof this number and do not discuss either the strengths and or the shortcomings, ofthis method. Here, we present another useful approach, i.e. that of the Brinkley'smethod and these two methods will be shortly compared in detail.The application of the phase rule is generally not a very easy task, so here wewill also address some brief remarks to the resolution of this problem.Usually, we apply the phase rule and then discuss the differences between thephase rule predictions and our theory, as set out in detail in Chapter 2. Therefore,at first, a special introductory chapter is now provided, being devoted to a discussionof the phase rule.


《The Boundary Theory of Phase Diagrams and Its Application:相圖邊界理論及其應(yīng)用(英文版)》是由科學(xué)出版社出版。



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