
出版時間:2009-6  出版社:科學(xué)出版社  作者:(美)杰菲,(美)希爾伯特 編著  頁數(shù):486  


Barron's Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) is designed to assist students planning to take the official Graduate Management Admission Test governed by the Graduate Manage-ment Admission Council, headquartered in Virginia, and administered by Pearson VIDE, an elec-tronic testing company operating more than 5,000 computer centers in over 145 countries. Since the results of the GMAT are used by many graduate schools of business as a means for measuring the qualifications of their applicants, it is important that the prospective student do as well as pos-sible on this exam. Admission to business school may well depend on it.  A study guide, although not able to guarantee a perfect score, can provide a good deal of assis-tance in test preparation by enabling students 'to become familiar with the material they will encounter on the exam and supplying them with ample opportunity for practice and review. With this in mind, we have developed a study guide that goes further than the simple simulation of the official GMAT in its effort to offer a sound basis of test preparation. Besides containing three prac-tice tests with questions (and answers) similar to those students will encounter on the actual exam,it offers invaluable advice on how to prepare for the exam, ranging from a general discussion of the purpose and various formats of the GMAT to a step-by-step program of subject analysis and review designed to help students discover their weak points and take measures to correct them. A tactics section is included that covers every question type. These tactics give students practical instructions and hints on how to analyze and answer each question...


PrefaceHow to Use This GuideAcknowledgmentsWHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE COMPUTER-ADAPTIVE GMAT 1  An Introduction to the Computer-AdapUve GMAT    The Purpose of the GMAT  Where to Apply  What Is a Computer-Adaptive Test (CAT)?  The Test Format  Your Scores and What They Mean  Importance of the GMAT  How to Prepare for the CAT GMAT  Test-Taking Strategies  Guessing  Maneuvering the GMATCAT PC Screen  After You Take the Exam  The Self-Scoring Tables 2 Typical GMAT Questions and How to Approach Them  Analytical Writing Assessment  Reading Comprehension  Sentence Correction  Critical Reasoning  Problem Solving  Data Sufficiency  Long-term Strategy for Data Sufficiency QuestionsDIAGNOSE YOUR PROBLEM 3  Diagnostic and Analysis  Test  Answers  Analysis  Evaluating Your Score  CORRECT YOUR WEAKNESSES   Essay Writing Review  The GMAT Analytical Writing Assessment  How to Write an Essay in 30 Minutes 5 Reading Comprehension Review  Basic Reading Skills    Applying Basic Reading Skills  Finding the Topic Sentence  Finding the General Theme  Finding Logical Relationships  Making Inferences 6 Sentence Correction  Review  Review of Errors Commonly Found in the Sentence Correction Section  Strategy for Sentence Correction Questions 7 Critical Reasoning Review  Identifying the Premise and Conclusion  Deductive and Iriductive Arguments    Types of Inductive Arguments  Determining the Logical Sequence of an Argument    Analyzing the Logical Sequence of  an Argument    Attacking the Assumptions of an Argument Fallacies    Some Final Hints 8 Mathematics Review    I. Arithmetic     1. Integers     2. Fractions    3. Decimals     4. Percentage……


  It is easv to accept Freud as all applied scientist,and,indeed,he is widely regarded as the twentieth centurys master clinician.However,in viewing Marx as an applied social sci entist the stance needed is that of a Machiavellian operationalism.The objective is neither  Line to bury nor to praise him.The assumption iS simply that he is better understood for being  (5) understood as in applied sociologist.This is in part the clear implication of Marxs Theses on Feurbach,which culminate in the resounding 11 th thesis:“The philosophers have only interpreted the world in different ways;the point,however,iS to change lt.”This would seem to be the tacit creed of applied scientists everywhere.  Marx was no Faustian,concerned solely with understanding society,but a Promethean ?。?0)who sought to understand it well enough to influence and to change it.He Was centrally Concerned with the social problems of a lay group,the proletariat,and there can be little doubt that his work is motivated by an effort to reduce their suffering,as he saw it.His diagnosis was that their increasing misery and alienation engendered endemic class strug- gle;his prognosis claimed that this would culminate in revolution;his therapeutic prescnp?! 。?5)tion Was class consciousness and active struggle.  Here.as in assessing Durkheim or Freud,the issue iS not whether this analysis IS emplr’ icallv correct or scientifically adequate.Furthermore,whether or not this formulation seems to eviscerate Marxs revolutionary core,as critics on the lee may charge,or whether the formulation provides Marx with a new veneer of academic respectability,as critics on  (20)the right may allege,is entirely irrelevant from the present standpoint.Insofar as Marxs or any other social scientist’s work conforms to a generalized model of applied social science, insofar as it is professionally oriented to the values and social problems of laymen in his society,he may be treated as an applied social scientist.  Despite Durkeims intellectualistic proclivities and rationalistic pathos,he was too much  (25) the Droduct of European tUrbulence to turn his back Oil the travail of his culture.“Why striv‘e for knowledge of reality,if this knowledge cannot aid us in life,”he asked.“Social sci ence,”he said,"can provide US with rules of action for the future.”Durkheim,like Marx, Conceived of science as an agency of social action,and Iike him Was professionally oriented to the values and problems of laymen in his society.Unless one sees that Durkheim was In  (30) some part an applied social scientist,it is impossible to understand why he concludes his monumental study of Suicide with a chapter on“Practical Consequences,”and why,in the Division ofLabor,he proposes a specific remedy.


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