出版時(shí)間:2011-12 出版社:Zeshui Xu 科學(xué)出版社 (2012-01出版) 作者:徐澤水 頁(yè)數(shù):230
徐澤水,senior member of the IEEE. works at the PLA University of Science and Techology, China.
Chapter 1 Linguistic Evaluation Scales1.1 Additive Linguistic Evaluation Scales1.2 Multiplicative Linguistic Evaluation ScalesReferencesChapter 2 Linguistic Aggregation Operators2.1 Linguistic Aggregation Operators Based on Linear Ordering2.2 Linguistic Aggregation Operators Based on Extension Principle and Symbols2.3 Linguistic Aggregation Operators Based on Linguistic 2-tuples2.4 Linguistic Aggregation Operators Computing with Words Directly2.4.1 Linguistic Averaging Operator2.4.2 Linguistic Geometric OperatorsReferencesChapter 3 Linguistic Preference Relations3.1 Additive Linguistic Preference Relations3.2 Incomplete Additive Linguistic Preference Relations3.3 Dynamic Additive Linguistic Preference Relations3.4 Multiplicative Linguistic Preference Relations3.5 Incomplete Multiplicative Linguistic Preference Relations3.6 Dynamic Multiplicative Linguistic Preference Relations3.7 Uncertain Linguistic Preference Relations3.7.1 Uncertain Additive Linguistic Preference Relations3.7.2 Uncertain Multiplicative Linguistic Preference RelationsReferencesChapter 4 Approaches to Linguistic Multi-Attribute Decision Making4.1 Maximizing Deviation Procedure for Linguistic Multi-Attribute Decision Making4.2 Ideal Point-Based Model for Linguistic Multi-Attribute Decision Making4.3 Approaches Based on Uncertain Aggregation Operators to Linguistic Multi-attribute Decision Making4.3.1 WULDC-OWA Operator-Based Approach4.3.2 WULDC-OWG Operator-Based Approach4.4 Goal Programming Model for Linguistic Multi-Attribute Decision Making4.4.1 Goal Programming Model Based on Linguistic Labels4.4.2 Goal Programming Model Based on Uncertain Linguistic Labels4.5 Multi-Attribute Decision Making Based on Different Types of Linguistic Information4.6 Interactive Approach to Linguistic Multi-Attribute Decision Making4.7 Multi-Period Multi-Attribute Decision Making under Linguistic Assessments4.7.1 Multi-Period Multi-Attribute Decision Making Method Based on LWA2 and DLWA Operators4.7.2 Approach to Uncertain Multi-Period Multi-Attribute Decision Making Based on ULWA and UDLWA operators4.7.3 Approach to Multi-Period Multi-Attribute Decision Making Based on LWG and DLWG Operators4.7.4 Approach to Uncertain Multi-Period Multi-Attribute Decision Making Based on ULWG and UDLWG operatorsReferencesIndex