
出版時(shí)間:2012-9  出版社:王開福 科學(xué)出版社 (2012-09出版)  作者:王開福  頁數(shù):518  


  《工程力學(xué)》由靜力學(xué)、運(yùn)動學(xué)、動力學(xué)和材料力學(xué)組成。主要內(nèi)容包括:質(zhì)點(diǎn)靜力學(xué)和剛體靜力學(xué)、摩擦、質(zhì)點(diǎn)運(yùn)動學(xué)和剛體平面運(yùn)動學(xué)、質(zhì)點(diǎn)合成運(yùn)動、質(zhì)點(diǎn)動力學(xué)和剛體平面動力學(xué)、材料機(jī)械性能、桿的軸向拉伸與壓縮、軸的扭轉(zhuǎn)、梁的彎曲、應(yīng)力分析與強(qiáng)度理論、組合載荷和壓桿穩(wěn)定?!  豆こ塘W(xué)》可作為高等院校航空、機(jī)械、土木和水利等學(xué)科專業(yè)學(xué)生的英文、中文或雙語工程力學(xué)教材。


Preface前言English EditionChapter 1 Fundamental Concepts of Theoretical Mechanics1.1 What Is Theoretical Mechanics1.2 Basic Concepts1.3 General PrinciplesChapter 2 Statics of Particle2.1 System of Concurrent Forces2.2 Resultant of Coplanar Concurrent Forces2.3 Equilibrium of Coplanar Concurrent Forces2.4 Resultant of Spatial Concurrent Forces2.5 Equilibrium of Spatial Concurrent ForcesProblemsChapter 3 Reduction of Force System3.1 Moment of Force about Point3.2 Moment of Force about Given Axis3.3 Principle of Moments3.4 Components of Moment of Force about Point3.5 Moment of Couple3.6 Resultant of Couples3.7 Equivalence of Force Acting on Rigid Body3.8 Reduction of Force SystemProblemsChapter 4 Statics of Rigid Body4.1 Equilibrium of Rigid Body4.2 Equilibrium of Two-Dimensional Rigid Body4.3 Two-Force and Three-Force Bodies4.4 Planar Trusses4.5 Equilibrium of Three-Dimensional Rigid BodyProblemsChapter 5 Friction5.1 Types of Friction5.2 Sliding Friction5.3 Angles of Friction5.4 Problems Involving Sliding Friction5.5 Rolling ResistanceProblemsChapter 6 Kinematics of Particle6.1 Motion of Particle6.2 Motion of Particle Represented by Vector6.3 Motion of Particle Represented by Rectangular Coordinates6.4 Motion of Particle Represented by Natural CoordinatesProblemsChapter 7 Kinematics of Rigid Body in Plane Motion7.1 Plane Motion of Rigid Body7.2 Translation7.3 Rotation about Fixed Axis7.4 General Plane MotionProblemsChapter 8 Resultant Motion of Particle8.1 Motion of Particle8.2 Rates of Change of Vector8.3 Resultant of Velocities8.4 Resultant of AccelerationsProblemsChapter 9 Kinetics of Particle9.1 Newton?s Second Law of Motion9.2 Equations of Motion of Particle9.3 Method of Inertia Force for Particle in Motion9.4 Method of Work and Energy for Particle in Motion9.5 Method of Impulse and Momentum for Particle in MotionProblemsChapter 10 Kinetics of Rigid Body in Plane Motion10.1 Motion for System of Particles10.2 Motion of Mass Center of System of Particles10.3 Motion of System of Particles about Its Mass Center10.4 Equations of Motion for Rigid Body in Plane Motion10.5 Method of Inertia Force for Rigid Body in Plane Motion10.6 Method of Work and Energy for Rigid Body in Plane Motion10.7 Method of Impulse and Momentum for Rigid Body in Plane MotionProblemsChapter 11 Fundamental Concepts of Mechanics of Materials11.1 What Is Mechanics of Materials11.2 Basic Assumptions of Materials11.3 External Forces11.4 Internal Forces11.5 Stresses11.6 Strains11.7 Deformations of MembersProblemsChapter 12 Mechanical Properties of Materials12.1 Tensile or Compressive Test12.2 Tension of Low-Carbon Steel12.3 Ductile and Brittle Materials12.4 Stress-Strain Curve of Ductile Materials without Distinct Yield Point12.5 Percent Elongation and Percent Reduction in Area12.6 Hooke?s Law12.7 Mechanical Properties of Materials in CompressionChapter 13 Axial Tension and Compression of Bars13.1 Definition of Axial Tension and Compression13.2 Axial Force13.3 Normal Stress on Cross Section13.4 Saint-Venant?s Principle13.5 Normal and Shearing Stresses on Oblique Section13.6 Normal Strain13.7 Deformation of Axially Loaded Bar13.8 Statically Indeterminate Axially Loaded Bar13.9 Design of Axially Loaded Bar13.10 Stress ConcentrationsProblemsChapter 14 Torsion of Shafts14.1 Definition of Torsion14.2 Twisting Moment14.3 Hooke?s Law in Shear14.4 Shearing Stress on Cross Section of Circular Shaft14.5 Normal and Shearing Stresses on Oblique Section of Circular Shaft14.6 Angle of Twist14.7 Statically Indeterminate Circular Shaft14.8 Design of Circular ShaftProblemsChapter 15 Shearing Force and Bending Moment of Beams15.1 Definition of Bending15.2 Shearing-Force and Bending-Moment Diagrams15.3 Relations between Distributed Load, Shearing Force, and Bending Moment15.4 Relations between Concentrated Load, Shearing Force, and Bending MomentProblemsChapter 16 Normal Stress and Shearing Stress in Beams16.1 Types of Bending16.2 Normal Stresses on Cross Section in Pure Bending16.3 Normal and Shearing Stresses on Cross Section in Transverse-Force Bending16.4 Design of Prismatic Beams in BendingProblemsChapter 17 Deflection and Slope of Beams17.1 Deformation of Beams17.2 Method of Integration17.3 Method of Superposition17.4 Statically Indeterminate BeamsProblemsChapter 18 Stress Analysis and Theories of Strength18.1 State of Stress18.2 Transformation of Plane Stress18.3 Principal Stresses for Plane Stress18.4 Maximum Shearing Stress for Plane Stress18.5 Stresses in Pressure Vessels18.6 Generalized Hooke?s Law18.7 Theories of Strength under Plane StressProblemsChapter 19 Combined Loadings19.1 Definition of Combined Loadings19.2 Stress in Bar Subject to Eccentric Tension or Compression19.3 Stress in I-Section Beam Subject to Transverse-Force Bending19.4 Stress in Beam Subject to Bending and Axial Tension/Compression19.5 Stress in Shaft Subject to Torsion and BendingProblemsChapter 20 Stability of Columns20.1 Definition of Buckling20.2 Critical Load of Long Slender Columns under Centric Loadwith Pin Supports20.3 Critical Load of Long Slender Columns under Centric Load with Other Supports20.4 Critical Stress of Long Slender Columns under Centric Load20.5 Critical Stress of Intermediate Length Columns under Centric Load20.6 Design of Columns under Centric LoadProblemsReferencesAppendix Ⅰ Centers of Gravity and CentroidsⅠ.1 Center of Gravity and Centroid of PlateⅠ.2 Center of Gravity and Centroid of Composite PlateⅠ.3 Center of Gravity and Centroid of 3D BodyⅠ.4 Center of Gravity and Centroid of 3D Composite BodyAppendix Ⅱ Mass Moments of InertiaⅡ.1 Moment of Inertia and Radius of GyrationⅡ.2 Parallel-Axis TheoremAppendix Ⅲ Geometrical Properties of AreasⅢ.1 First Moment and CentroidⅢ.2 First Moment and Centroid of Composite AreaⅢ.3 Moment of Inertia and Polar Moment of InertiaⅢ.4 Radius of Gyration and Polar Radius of GyrationⅢ.5 Product of InertiaⅢ.6 Parallel-Axis TheoremⅢ.7 Moment of Inertia and Polar Moment of Inertia of Commonly-Used AreasAppendix Ⅳ Geometrical Properties of Rolled-Steel ShapesⅣ.1 I SteelⅣ.2 Channel SteelⅣ.3 Equal Angle SteelⅣ.4 Unequal Angle SteelAppendix Ⅴ Deflections and Slopes of Beams中文版第1章 理論力學(xué)的基本概念1.1 什么是理論力學(xué)1.2 基本概念1.3 普遍原理第2章 質(zhì)點(diǎn)靜力學(xué)2.1 匯交力系2.2 平面匯交力的合成2.3 平面匯交力的平衡2.4 空間匯交力的合成2.5 空間匯交力的平衡習(xí)題第3章 力系的簡化3.1 力對點(diǎn)之矩3.2 力對軸之矩3.3 力矩定理3.4 力對點(diǎn)之矩的分量3.5 力偶矩3.6 力偶的合成3.7 作用于剛體上力的等效3.8 力系的簡化習(xí)題第4章 剛體靜力學(xué)4.1 剛體平衡4.2 二維剛體的平衡4.3 二力和三力物體4.4 平面桁架4.5 三維剛體的平衡習(xí)題第5章 摩擦5.1 摩擦分類5.2 滑動摩擦5.3 摩擦角5.4 含有滑動摩擦的問題5.5 滾動摩阻習(xí)題第6章 質(zhì)點(diǎn)運(yùn)動學(xué)6.1 質(zhì)點(diǎn)的運(yùn)動6.2 質(zhì)點(diǎn)運(yùn)動的矢量表示6.3 質(zhì)點(diǎn)運(yùn)動的直角坐標(biāo)表示6.4 質(zhì)點(diǎn)運(yùn)動的自然坐標(biāo)表示習(xí)題第7章 剛體平面運(yùn)動學(xué)7.1 剛體平面運(yùn)動7.2 平移7.3 定軸轉(zhuǎn)動7.4 一般平面運(yùn)動習(xí)題第8章 質(zhì)點(diǎn)合成運(yùn)動8.1 質(zhì)點(diǎn)的運(yùn)動8.2 矢量的變化率8.3 速度的合成8.4 加速度的合成習(xí)題第9章 質(zhì)點(diǎn)動力學(xué)9.1 牛頓第二運(yùn)動定律9.2 質(zhì)點(diǎn)運(yùn)動方程9.3 運(yùn)動質(zhì)點(diǎn)的慣性力法9.4 運(yùn)動質(zhì)點(diǎn)的功-能法9.5 運(yùn)動質(zhì)點(diǎn)的沖量-動量法習(xí)題第10章 剛體平面動力學(xué)10.1 質(zhì)點(diǎn)系的運(yùn)動10.2 質(zhì)點(diǎn)系質(zhì)心的運(yùn)動10.3 質(zhì)點(diǎn)系相對質(zhì)心的運(yùn)動10.4 平面運(yùn)動剛體的運(yùn)動方程10.5 平面運(yùn)動剛體的慣性力法10.6 平面運(yùn)動剛體的功-能法10.7 平面運(yùn)動剛體的沖量-動量法習(xí)題第11章 材料力學(xué)的基本概念11.1 什么是材料力學(xué)11.2 材料的基本假設(shè)11.3 外力11.4 內(nèi)力11.5 應(yīng)力11.6 應(yīng)變11.7 構(gòu)件的變形習(xí)題第12章 材料機(jī)械性能12.1 拉伸或壓縮試驗(yàn)12.2 低碳鋼拉伸12.3 塑性和脆性材料12.4 沒有明顯屈服點(diǎn)的塑性材料的應(yīng)力-應(yīng)變曲線12.5 伸長率和斷面收縮率12.6 胡克定律12.7 材料壓縮機(jī)械性能第13章 桿的軸向拉伸與壓縮13.1 軸向拉伸與壓縮的定義13.2 軸力13.3 橫截面上的正應(yīng)力13.4 圣維南原理13.5 斜截面上的正應(yīng)力和剪應(yīng)力13.6 線應(yīng)變13.7 軸向加載桿的變形13.8 靜不定軸向加載桿13.9 軸向加載桿的設(shè)計(jì)13.10 應(yīng)力集中習(xí)題第14章 軸的扭轉(zhuǎn)14.1 扭轉(zhuǎn)的定義14.2 扭矩14.3 剪切胡克定律14.4 圓軸橫截面上的剪應(yīng)力14.5 圓軸斜截面上的正應(yīng)力和剪應(yīng)力14.6 扭轉(zhuǎn)角14.7 靜不定圓軸14.8 圓軸的設(shè)計(jì)習(xí)題第15章 梁的剪力與彎矩15.1 彎曲的定義15.2 剪力和彎矩圖15.3 分布載荷、剪力和彎矩之間的關(guān)系15.4 集中載荷、剪力和彎矩之間的關(guān)系習(xí)題第16章 梁的正應(yīng)力與剪應(yīng)力16.1 彎曲的類型16.2 純彎曲梁橫截面上的正應(yīng)力16.3 橫力彎曲梁橫截面上的正應(yīng)力和剪應(yīng)力16.4 等截面彎曲梁的設(shè)計(jì)習(xí)題第17章 梁的撓度與轉(zhuǎn)角17.1 梁的變形17.2 積分法17.3 疊加法17.4 靜不定梁習(xí)題第18章 應(yīng)力分析與強(qiáng)度理論18.1 應(yīng)力狀態(tài)18.2 平面應(yīng)力狀態(tài)變換18.3 平面應(yīng)力狀態(tài)的主應(yīng)力18.4 平面應(yīng)力狀態(tài)的最大剪應(yīng)力18.5 壓力容器中的應(yīng)力18.6 廣義胡克定律18.7 平面應(yīng)力狀態(tài)強(qiáng)度理論習(xí)題第19章 組合載荷19.1 組合載荷的定義19.2 偏心拉伸或壓縮桿的應(yīng)力19.3 橫力彎曲工字梁的應(yīng)力19.4 彎曲與拉壓梁的應(yīng)力19.5 扭轉(zhuǎn)與彎曲軸的應(yīng)力習(xí)題第20章 壓桿穩(wěn)定20.1 失穩(wěn)的定義20.2 兩端鉸支中心加載細(xì)長壓桿的臨界載荷20.3 其他支撐中心加載細(xì)長壓桿的臨界載荷20.4 中心加載細(xì)長壓桿的臨界應(yīng)力20.5 中心加載中長壓桿的臨界應(yīng)力20.6 中心加載壓桿的設(shè)計(jì)習(xí)題參考文獻(xiàn)附錄Ⅰ 重心與形心Ⅰ.1 薄板的重心與形心Ⅰ.2 組合薄板的重心與形心Ⅰ.3 三維物體的重心與形心Ⅰ.4 三維組合物體的重心與形心附錄Ⅱ 轉(zhuǎn)動慣量Ⅱ.1 轉(zhuǎn)動慣量與回轉(zhuǎn)半徑Ⅱ.2 平行移軸定理附錄Ⅲ 截面幾何性質(zhì)Ⅲ.1 靜矩與形心Ⅲ.2 組合截面的靜矩與形心Ⅲ.3 慣性矩與極慣性矩Ⅲ.4 慣性半徑與極慣性半徑Ⅲ.5 慣性積Ⅲ.6 平行移軸定理Ⅲ.7 常用截面的慣性矩與極慣性矩附錄Ⅳ 型鋼幾何性質(zhì)Ⅳ.1 工字鋼Ⅳ.2 槽鋼Ⅳ.3 等邊角鋼Ⅳ.4 不等邊角鋼附錄Ⅴ 常用梁的撓度與轉(zhuǎn)角


Chapter 1 Fundamental Concepts of TheoreticalMechanics1.1 What Is Theoretical MechanicsEngineering mechanics is the science that applies the principles of mechanics to the analysis and design of engineering structures and machines. It usually includes theoretical mechanics and mechanics of materials.Theoretical mechanics is the study of equilibrium or motion of bodies subjected to the action of forces, and consists of statics, kinematics and dynamics. Statics is the study of bodies at rest or in equilibrium; kinematics treats the geometry of the motion without regard to the forces acting on bodies; and kinetics deals with the relation between the motion of bodies and the forces acting on bodies.In theoretical mechanics, bodies are assumed to be perfectly rigid. Though actual structures and machines are never absolutely rigid and deform under the action of forces, these deformations are usually small and do not affect the state of equilibrium or motion of the structures and machines under consideration.1.2 Basic Concepts1. LengthLength is used to locate the position of a point in space. The position of a point can be defined by three lengths measured from a certain reference point in three given directions.2. TimeTime is used to represent a nonspatial continuum in which events occur in irreversible succession from the past through the present to the future. To define an event, it is not sufficient to indicate its position in space. The time of the event should be given.3. MassMass is used to characterize the quantity of matter that a body contains. The mass of a body is not dependent on gravity and therefore is different from but proportional to its weight.Two bodies of the same mass, for example, will be attracted by the earth in the same manner; they will also offer the same resistance to a change in velocity.4. ForceForce is used to represent the action of one body on another. A force tends to produce an acceleration of a body in the direction of its application. The effect of a force is completely characterized by its magnitude, direction, and point of application.5. ParticleIf the size and shape of a body do not affect the solution of the specific problem under consideration, then this body can be idealized as a particle, i.e., a particle has a mass, but its size and shape can be neglected. For example, the size and shape of the earth is insignificant compared to the size and shape of its orbit, and therefore the earth can be modeled as a particle when studying the orbital motion of the earth.6. Rigid BodyA rigid body can be considered as a combination of a large number of particles in which all the particles occupy fixed positions with respect to each other within the body both before and after the action of forces, i.e., a rigid body is defined as one which does not deform when it is subjected to the action of forces.7. ScalarsScalars possess only magnitude, e.g., length, time, mass, work, energy. Scalars are added by algebraic methods.8. VectorsVectors possess both magnitude and direction (direction is understood to includes both the inclination angle that the line of action makes with a given reference line and the sense of the vector along the line of action), e.g., force, displacement, impulse, momentum. Vectors are added by the parallelogram law.9. Free VectorsA free vector can be moved anywhere in space provided it remains the same magnitude and direction.10. Sliding or Slip VectorsA sliding or slip vector can be moved to any point along its line of action.11. Fixed or Bound VectorsA fixed or bound vector must remain at the same point of application.1.3 General Principles1. Parallelogram LawThis law states that two forces acting on a particle can be replaced by a single resultant force obtained by drawing the diagonal of the parallelogram which has sides equal to the given forces.For example, two forces 1F and 2F acting on a particle O, Fig. 1.1a, can be replacedby a single force R , Fig. 1.1b, which has the same effect on the particle O and is called the resultant force of the forces 1F and 2F . The resultant force R can be obtained by drawing a parallelogram using 1F and 2F as two adjacent sides of the parallelogram. The diagonal that passes through O represents the resultant force R , i.e., 1 2R=F+F . This method forfinding the resultant force of two forces is known as the parallelogram law.From the parallelogram law, an alternative method for determining the resultant force of two forces by drawing a triangle, Fig. 1.2b, can be obtained. The resultant force R of the forces 1F and 2F can be found by arranging 1F and 2F in tip-to-tail fashion and then connecting the tail of 1F with the tip of 2F , i.e., 1 2R=F+F . This is known as the triangle rule.2. Principle of TransmissibilityThis principle states that the state of equilibrium or motion of a rigid body will remain unchanged if one force acting at a given point of the rigid body is replaced by another force of the same magnitude and same direction, but acting at a different point, provided that the two forces have the same line of action.For example, a force F , Fig. 1.3a, acting on a given point O of a rigid body can be replaced by a force ′ F , Fig. 1.3b, of the same magnitude and same direction, but acting at a different point O′ on the same line of action. The two forces F and ′ F have the same effect on the rigid body and are said to be equivalent. This principle shows that the effect of a force on a rigid body remains unchanged provided the force acting on the rigid body is moved along its line of action. Thus forces acting on a rigid body are sliding vectors.replaced by a force ′ F , Fig. 1.3b, of the same magnitude and same direction, but acting at a different point O′ on the same line of action. The two forces F and ′ F have the same effect on the rigid body and are said to be equivalent. This principle shows that the effect of a force on a rigid body remains unchanged provided the force acting on the rigid body is moved along its line of action. Thus forces acting on a rigid body are sliding vectors.where F is the force of gravitation between the two particles, G is the universal constant of gravitation, 1 m and 2m are, respectively, the mass of each of the two particles, and r is the distance between the two particles.When a particle is located on or near the surface of the earth, the force exerted by the earth on the particle is defined as the weight of the particle. Taking 1 m equal to the mass M of the earth, 2 m equal to the mass m of the particle, and r equal to the radius R of the earth, and letting 2Mg GR= (1.3)where g is the acceleration of gravity, then the magnitude of the weight of the particle can be given by W =mg (1.4)The value of g is approximately equal to 9.81 m/s2in SI units, as long as the particle is located on or near the surface of the earth.Chapter 2 Statics of Particle2.1 System of Concurrent ForcesA body under consideration can be idealized as a particle if its size and shape are able to be neglected. All the forces acting on this particle can be assumed to be applied at the same point and will thus form a system of concurrent forces.2.2 Resultant of Coplanar Concurrent ForcesA coplanar system of concurrent forces consists of concurrent forces that lie in one plane.1. Graphical Method for Resultant of ForcesThe resultant force of a coplanar system of concurrent forces acting on a particle can be obtained by using the graphical method. If a particle is acted upon by three or more coplanar concurrent forces, the resultant force can be obtained by the repeated applications of the triangle rule.Considering that a particle O is acted upon by coplanar concurrent forces 1F , 2F , and 3F ,Fig. 2.1a, the resultant force R of these forces can be obtained graphically by arranging all the given forces in tip-to-tail fashion and connecting the tail of the first force with the tip of the last one, Fig. 2.1b. This method is known as the polygon rule.


《工程力學(xué)》編著者王開福。    本書是工程力學(xué)雙語教材,系統(tǒng)論述了工程力學(xué)的基本概念、基礎(chǔ)理論、計(jì)算方法和工程應(yīng)用。全書由20章正文和5個(gè)附錄組成。     全書由20章正文和5個(gè)附錄組成。第1章介紹理論力學(xué)的基本概念與普遍原理。第2章討論作用于質(zhì)點(diǎn)上的匯交力系的合成與平衡。第3章討論作用于剛體上的力系的簡化與等效。第4章考慮剛體的平衡以及平面桁架的內(nèi)力。第5章介紹滑動摩擦與滾動摩阻的概念。第6章分析質(zhì)點(diǎn)的速度與加速度。第7章涉及平移、轉(zhuǎn)動和一般平面運(yùn)動剛體的速度與加速度。第8章研究質(zhì)點(diǎn)合成運(yùn)動。第9章和第10章分別研究質(zhì)點(diǎn)動力學(xué)和剛體平面動力學(xué)。第11章介紹材料力學(xué)的基本概念。第12章描述材料在拉壓時(shí)的機(jī)械性能。第13章和第14章分別討論拉壓桿和扭轉(zhuǎn)軸的應(yīng)力與變形。第15章、16章和17章分別涉及彎曲梁的內(nèi)力、應(yīng)力和變形。第18章介紹平面應(yīng)力狀態(tài)與材料失效準(zhǔn)則。第19章考慮在組合載荷作用下構(gòu)件的應(yīng)力分析。第20章分析壓桿的失穩(wěn)。



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250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費(fèi)下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機(jī)版
