
出版時間:2005-8  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:斯莫爾澤  頁數(shù):170  






Unit One  The Face of the People 1Chapter 1  The Population 2Notetaking Preparation: Number NotationRhetorical CuesChapter 2  Immigration: Past and Present 10Notetaking Preparation: Dates: Teens and TensLanguage Conventions:Countries and NationalitiesChapter 3  Americans at Work 20Notetaking Preparation: AbbreviationsRhetorical CuesUNIT ONE Quiz Preparation 28Unit Two The American Character 33Chapter 4  Family in the United States 34N.otetaking Preparation: Key Words: Content WordsRhetorical CuesChapter 5  Religion 44Notetaking Preparation: Commonly Used Symbolsand AbbreviationsRhetorical CuesChapter 6  Passages: Birth, Marriage, and Death 54Notetaking Preparation: Key Words: ListeningAdverbs as Content WordsUNIT TWO Quiz Preparation  63Unit Three American Trademarks 67Chapter 7  Multiculturalism 68Notetaking Preparation: Key Words: ListeningRhetorical Cues: Transition WordsChapter 8  Crime and Violence in the United States 78Notetaking Preparation: StructuringRhetorical CuesUNIT THREE Quiz Preparation 87Unit Four Education 89Chapter 9  Public Education: Philosophy and Funding 90Notetaking Preparation: Structuring: OutliningRhetorical CuesChapter 10  Postsecondary Education: Admissions 100Notetaking Preparation: Structuring: ListeningAcronymsChapter 11  Distance Education 109Notetaking Preparation: Deciphering NotesRhetorical CuesUNIT FOUR Quiz Preparation 118unit Five  The Official Side 121Chapter 12  The Role of Government in the Economy 122Notetaking Preparation: Prelecture ReadingRhetorical CuesChapter 13  Government by Constitution: Separation of Powers/Checks and Balances 133Notetaking Preparation: Prelecture ReadingPracticing the Languageof Political ScienceChapter 14  Common Law and the Jury System 143Notetaking Preparation: Prelecture ReadingCourtroom LanguageUNIT FIVE Quiz Preparation 154Glossary: 157


  D.Notetaking Preparation  1.Prelecture Reading  Before listening to a rather difficult lecture on the U.S.1egal system,read a related passage dealing with precedents and surrogate mother-hood,and then answer the comprehension questions that follow.Although somewhat difficult,the reading and the questions will prepare you for the lecture you will hear later.  The Baby M Case  The Babv M case became a controversial legal case in the United States in 1988.At issue were Baby M’s custody and the validity of a contract.The contract provided that a woman,the surrogate motherJ would have a baby for an in/ertile couple by artificial insemination of、 the husbands sperm and would receive payment for this service.Cer. tainly,Babv M was not the first baby born to a surrogate mother but in this case。the surrogate motheL Mary Beth Whitehead.Gould, changed her mind after the baby was born and did not want to give the baby up,as she had agreed to do in the contract.The Sterns,the couple who had contracted for the baby,insisted that Ms.Whitehead. Gould fulfill the terms of the contract,and they took her to court. The New Jersey Supreme Court ruled that this type of contract was against public policy(the good of the general public)and,therefore, could not be enforced.《However,the court did award custody of the baby to the biological father.The mother,Ms.Whitehead.Gould,was awarded limited visitation rights.)This particular ruling was very important because there had been no previous court decision of this type at the level of a state supreme court.Therefore,this decision establishes a precedent for other states when they have to deal with the issue of surrogacy.






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