
出版時(shí)間:2009-4  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:馬建峰  頁數(shù):431  


  Networks have entered a wireless era. As a wireless communication technology,Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) has been widely adopted in our dailylife. Mobility and easy-deployment make WLAN devices commonplace in edu-cational institutions, hospitals, manufacturing, inventory control, and the mili-tary, etc.  In this context, we have witnessed an evolution of our society towardsmobile e-commerce, e-business and e-government and towards an increasingdependence on wireless communication systems. Unfortunately, such a evolu-tion brings new vulnerabilities and risks, especially in WLAN. It is now clearthat the security access is essential to protect the networks. Therefore, effectivesolutions for the security access in WLAN should be studied from the architec-ture and protocols to realization.  Recently, a substantial body of work on security access in WLAN hasappeared in the literature of security. This has provided impetus for the deploy-ment of WLAN. As the investigators of many scientific research projects of theWLAN security, the authors realize that it is a difficult job to design and analyzesecurity access protocols or systems in WLAN. This book is born under such abackground. The aim of this book is to deal with the various aspects of the secu-rity access in WLAN, among which, the security access architecture, securityprotocols, security management and evaluation, etc., are studied in detail.  The book is organized into the following 11 chapters.  Chapter 1 starts with an overview of the architecture and transmission tech-nology of WLAN. Discussion of the IEEE 802.11 series standards, and theapplication and development trends of WLAN follow. The key issues of theWLAN security are analyzed and summarized next. Finally, to solve these prob-lems, three kinds of architectures which we designed and implemented in thefollowing chapters are overviewed.


Security Access in Wireless Local Area Networks From Architecture andProtocols to Realization deals with the method and technology of the WLANsecurity architecture, design and analysis of security protocols for WLAN,and WLAN security management.The book is intended for researchers in wireless communication, electricaland computer engineering, and for graduate students.The authors are with Xidian University, P. R. China, where Dr. Jianfeng Mais a professor of computer science and the director of the Key Laboratory of Computer Networks and Information Security (Ministry of Education).


1 Introduction  1.1 Overview  1.2 Key Issues of WLAN Security  1.3 Realization  Questions and discussion  References2 Security Architecture Framework  2.1 Security Attacks and Requirements  2.2 Management-Based WLAN Security Architecture  2.3 Evolution of Security Architecture for WLAN Access  2.4 The Integrated Security Access Authentication Architecture for WLAN Terminals  Questions and Discussions  References3 Security Access Protocol  3.1 Security Analysis of WAPI  3.2 Analysis and Improvement of WAPI  3.3 Authentication Scheme that Compatible with 802.1 li and WAPI  3.4 WAPI-XG1 Access Authentication and Fast Handoff Protocol  3.5 Self-Certified Public Key based WAPI Authentication and Key Agreement Protocol  Questions and discussion  Reference4 Security Protocols for Fast BSS Transition  4.1 IEEE 802.11r  4.2 Security Solution for IEEE 802.1 lr Drafts  4.3 FT Security Solution Based on Location  Questions and discussion  References5 Security Protocols in WLAN Mesh  5.1 Overview of WLAN Mesh  5.2 WLAN Mesh Authentication Schemes  5.3 Protocols for Access Authentication, Secure Fast Handoff and Roaming  Questions and discussion  Reference6 Authenticated Key Exchange Protocol7 Privacy Protection for WLAN 8 Adaptive Security Policy9 Evaluation Method of Security Performance10 Architecture of Trusted Terminal11 Architecture of Trusted Network ConnectIndex


版權(quán)頁:插圖:To satisfy the continuity of multimedia data streams, FT based on IEEE 802.11becomes one of the key technologies needed to be solved urgently [1114].The current FT scheme adopts the Proactive Neighbor Caching (PNC) [15]mechanism based on dynamic neighbor graphs, which prepositions the relatedinformation of STA to the neighbors of the associated APs and accomplishesthe related procedures ahead of time. Because it reduces the rounds of the information exchange and the amount of information between STA and AP in thehandoff process, thus the handoff latency is reduced. At present, the PNCscheme has been adopted by the IEEE standard and integrated into the specification of IAPP. However, in the PNC scheme, the STA's context is propagatedto all neighboring APs. Therefore, the PNC scheme may result in high signaling overhead. Meanwhile, in the case of frequent handoffs, the scheme maylead to the cache overflow in AP and augment the delay. Then, it has been oneof the issues urgently needed to be solved that how to not only effectivelydecrease the number of candidate APs, but also guarantee the fast completionof a handoff.Therefore, [15] proposed a selective neighbor caching (SNC) scheme. Thescheme introduced a comparison between AP's handoff weights in neighborgraphs and an optimized threshold. Only those APs whose weights are higherthan the threshold will be the targets to which the context of STA will be propagated. But there are still some redundancies in this scheme, since there is noconsideration about the STA's mobility direction and QoS of services. In addition, the candidate AP sets chosen by weights cannot guarantee the completionof FT.





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