
出版時間:2009-7  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:潘曉燕  頁數(shù):255  






  Ten Keys to Success  What is it that makes people successful and I mean really successful compared to you or me?Arethey smarter or do they work harder?Are they risk takers or have powerful and influential friends?  The fmancial newspaper Investors Business Daily(IBD)asked these same questions a fewyears ago and started a multi—year search for the answer.They studied industry leaders,investorsand entrepreneurs to understand the traits they all had in common that contributed to their success.Reproduced here is their list of 10 Secrets to Success along with my commentary on each not SO secret“secret”.  I decided to reproduce the list here and comment on each of the traits in hopes of motivating youand myself in the process.It’S time for me to take my own advice and start on the path to mydreams.I hope to motivate you,by using myseff as an example.  I originally can2e across this list when 1 was staring at some papers on a refrigerator owned bysomeone who was very successful——both personally and fmancially. My family and I had just spentthe night as a guest in a great house in the suburbs of Boston.We were living life large as we playedpool in the race room,drank wine from the wine cellar,and eajoyed a dip in the hot tub.The prob—lem was,neither of the couples in the house owned the property or the life we were pretending tohave.You see,my friends were house sitting for the original owner and they had invited US to stayfor the weekend.



    大學英語四級考試710分新題型全真模擬 PDF格式下載

用戶評論 (總計33條)


  •   根據(jù)2009年大學英語四級考試最新趨勢設計的8套模擬試卷,附聽力光盤、答題卡、聽力錄音稿和題目精解。
  •   大學英語四級考試710分新題型全真模擬(附MP3聽力光盤)(最新版)
  •   有聽力喜歡
  •   緊扣教材,按四級大綱編寫,希望有幫助
  •   題目新,題型廣
  •   這本書很好,大學生必備的一本模擬實用書。
  •   書中內(nèi)容好多,每套試卷都是單獨裝訂,方便,很值
  •   這價格沒話說,又帶CD又帶體驗卡什么的。雖然包裝壓扁了...里面的試卷也看了,印刷質量可以。
  •   很好,拿回來慢慢做。
  •   只是時間是09的 不過練練筆還是很好
  •   可惜搞活動就拿到了這一本
  •   很好啊。便宜啊
  •   好東西??!
  •   蠻好的我覺得
  •   雖然版本老了點,但是總體來說還是很超值的
  •   很便宜,貨也很正
  •   幫朋友買的 還不錯說是
  •   很實用,值得推薦!
  •   確認晚了 不過發(fā)貨速度真的很
  •   使用于剛開始練習的同學,,后面階段就建議練習真題會比教好一些哦
  •   從印刷質量到題目質量都挺好的!!是四級考試復習的一份好資料
  •   挺符合個人要求的。為明年四級考試準備著。
  •   內(nèi)容應該不錯,就是有點臟,光盤用不了
  •   是一份一份的試卷,配光碟.
  •   都是試卷,使勁做
  •   有些過時的商品,買來權作練習用!
  •   物美價廉,留著待用
  •   還行,價錢可以
  •   幫學生買的,學生用了說不錯
  •   答案相當詳細 但卷子的套數(shù)有點少
  •   過期了 沒光盤
  •   還好,就是排版不是很好
  •   版本老了 和現(xiàn)在改革后的不一樣 但聯(lián)系是可以的

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