
出版時間:2011-5  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:李少凡 等主編  頁數(shù):284  




Chapter 1  Modeling and Simulations of the Dynamics of Growing Cell
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Single cell geometry and kinematics
1.2.1 The continuum model
1.2.2 The numerical model for the cell geometry
1.3 Single cell equilibrium and material model
1.3.1 Cell equilibrium
1.3.2 The material model
1.3.3 Determination of material constants
1.4 Modeling cell interactions
1.4.1 Cell-to-cell contact
1.4.2 Cell-to-cell adhesion
1.4.3 Cell-to-cell interaction test
1.5 Modeling the cell life cycle
1.6 Details of the numerical implementation
1.6.1 The finite element model
1.6.2 Contact/adhesion interface detection
1.6.3 Time integration
1.6.4 Parallelization
1.7 Numerical results
1.8 Summary and conclusions
Chapter 2 Multiscale Biomechanical Modeling of Stem
Cell-Extracellular Matrix Interactions
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Cell and ECM modeling
2.2.1 Basic hypothesis and assumptions
2.2.2 Hyperelastic model
2.2.3 Liquid crystal model
2.3 Contact and adhesion models for cell-substrate
2.3.1 The adhesive body force with continuum mechanics contact
2.3.2 The cohesive contact model
2.4 Meshfree Galerkin formulation and the computational
2.5 Numerical simulations
2.5.1 Validation of the material rhodels
2.5.2 Cell response in four different stiffness substrates
2.5.3 Cell response to a stiffness-varying substrate
2.5.4 Comparison of two different contact algorithms
2.5.5 Three-dimensional simulation of cell spreading
2.6 Discussion and conclusions
Chapter 3 Modeling of Proteins and Their Interactions with Solvent
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Classical molecular dynamics
3.2.1 Coarse-grained model
3.2.2 High performance computing
3.3 Principal component analysis
3.3.1 Three oscillators system analysis with PCA
3.3.2 Quasi-harmonic analysis
3.3.3 Equilibrium conformational analysis
3.4 Methods and procedures
3.4.1 Framework
3.4.2 Overlap coefficients
3.4.3 Correlation analysis
3.4.4 PCA with MD simulation
3.4.5 Kabsch algorithm
3.4.6 Positional correlation matrix
3.4.7 Cluster analysis
3.5 MD simulation with T4 lysozyme
3.5.1 Equilibration measures
3.5.2 Fluctuation analysis
3.5.3 Mode selection and evaluation
3.5.4 Eigenvalue analysis
3.5.5 Overlap evaluation
3.5.6 Identification of slow conformational flexibility
3.5.7 Correlation analysis of T4 lysozyme
3.6 Hemoglobin and sickle cell anemia
3.6.1 Molecular dynamic simulation with NAMD
3.6.2 Conformational change analysis
3.6.3 PCA analysis
3.6.4 Correlation analysis with HbS interaction
3.7 Conclusion
Chapter 4 Structural, Mechanical and Functional Properties of
Intermediate Filaments from the Atomistic to the Cellular Scales
4.1 Introduction
4.1.1 Hierarchical structure of vimentin intermediate
4.1.2 The structural and physiological character of keratin
4.2 Connecting filaments to cells level function and pathology
4.2.1 Bending and stretching properties of IFs in cells
4.2.2 IFs responding differently to tensile and shear stresses
4.2.3 Mechanotransduction through the intermediate filament
4.3 Experimental mechanics
4.3.1 Single filament mechanics
4.3.2 Rheology of IF networks in vitro
4.3.3 IF networks rheology in cells
4.4 Case studies
4.4.1 Single vimentin filament mechanics
4.4.2 Network mechanics
4.4.3 The mechanical role of intermediate filament in cellular
4.5 Conclusion
Chapter 5 Cytoskeletal Mechanics and Rheology
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Modelling semiflexible filament dynamics
5.3 Experimental measurements
5.3.1 Glass microneedles
5.3.2 Cell poking
5.3.3 Atomic force microscopy
5.3.4 Micropipette aspiration
5.3.5 Microplates
5.3.6 Parallel-plate flow chambers
5.3.7 Optical tweezers
5.3.8 Magnetic traps
5.4 Computational models
5.5 Conclusion
Chapter 6 On the Application of Multiphasic Theories to the
Problem of Cell-substrate Mechanical Interactions
6.1 Introduction
6.2 The physics of contractile fibroblasts and their
interactions with an elastic substrate
6.2.1 Cell spreading, contractility and substrate elasticity
6.2.2 Molecular mechanisms of cell contractility
6.3 Multiphasic mixture theory and cell contractility
6.3.1 The cytoplasm as a quadriphasic medium
6.3.2 Mass transport and mass exchange within the cell
6.3.3 Contractility and force balance
6.3.4 Model's prediction for simple cases
6.4 Interaction between contractile cells and compliant
6.4.1 Two-dimensional plane stress formulation
6.4.2 Numerical strategy: XFEM-level methods
6.4.3 Analysis of mechanical interactions between a
contractile cell and an elastic substrate
6.5 Summary and conclusion
6.5.1 Summary
6.5.2 Limitations of the multiphasic approach
6.5.3 Concluding remark
Chapter 7 Effect of Substrate Rigidity on the Growth of Nascent
Adhesion Sites
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Model
7.3 Results and Discussion
7.4 Conclusion
Chapter 8 Opto-Hydrodynamic Trapping for Multiaxial Single-Cell
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Optical-hydrodynamic trapping.
8.2.1 Optical physics and microfluidics
8.2.2 Theoretical stress analysis
8.2.3 Experimental and computational flow validation
8.2.4 Applied stresses and strain response
8.2.5 Multiaxial single-cell biomechanics
8.3 Discussion
Chapter 9 Application of Nonlocal Shell Models to Microtubule
Buckling in Living Cells
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Nonlocal shell theories
9.2.1 Constitutive relations
9.2.2 Shear deformable shell model
9.2.3 Thin shell model
9.3 Bending buckling analysis
9.4 Numerical results and discussion
9.5 Conclusions
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D


版權頁:插圖:In this method.the fluid flow through a chamber 8urface coated with a cellmonolayer iS used to study response of cells to fluid flow;a cellular probe iSused to measure this response.Several cell types such as vascular endothe-lial cells and osteocytes are physiologically exposed to fluid flow and shearstress.Cells sense these external forces and react accordingly;this process iscrucial for many regulatory processes.For example,endothelial surface layerhas multifaceted physiological functions and behaves as a transport barrier,as a porous hydrodynamic interface in the motion of red and white cells inmicrovessels,and as a mechanotransducer of fluid shearing stresses to theactin cortical cytoskeleton of the endothelial cell.Endothelial cells adoptan elongated shape in the flow direction if they are subjected to a shear flow.A similar situation exists for osteocytes in bone where mechanosensing con-trols bone repair and adaptive restructuring processes.It iS believed thatstrain.derived flow of interstitial fluid through lacuno-canalicular porositymechanically activates the osteocytes.There are three candidates stimulat-ing cells:wall shear stress.streaming potentials.and chemotransport.Controlling the wall shear stress and measuring its effect on fluid transport.bone cell nitric oxide,and prostaglandin production can be used to study thenature of the flow-derived cell stimuli.Fluid shear stress rate iS also animportant parameter for bone cell activation.





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