
出版時間:2002-1  出版社:商務(wù)印書館  作者:趙元任  頁數(shù):1077  


Y.R.Chao(Zhao Yuan-ren)was born in Tianjin,Nov.3rd,1892.After reception of traditional Chinese education in his boyhood,he was sent to a high school in Nanking to receive modern education.in 1910,he won a national scholarship and went to Cornell University to study science and mathematics.When graduated in 1914,he was accepted by Harvard for gradu-ate study in philosphy,and receivde his Ph.D.degree in 1918.In 1919 he began to teach physics at Tsinghua College in Peking .When Bertrand Russell had his Iecturing tour in China,Y.R.Chao was asked to be the interpreter.During the tour,Chao showed exceptional ability in using different local dialects for the translations in southern region.


The Problem of the Chines LanguageGwoyeu Romatzyh or the National RomanjzationTranscribing Reversed EnglishA System of "Tone-letters"A Note on "Lte'sP"[E]"for Middle[e]On Using b,d,g,for Umspirated Voiceless PlosivesA Preliminary Study of English Intonation (with Ameri-can Variants)and Its Chiese EquivalentsTone and Intonation in ChinseThe Non-uniqueness of Phonemic Solutions of Phonetic SystemsThe Idea fo a System of Basic ChineseA Note on an Early Logographic Theory of Chinese WritingDistinctions within Ancient ChineseIambic Rhythm and the Verb-object Construction in ChineseLanguages and Dialcts in ChinaThe Logical Structure of Chinese WordsThe Voced Velar Fricative as an Initial in MandarinThe Efficiency of the Chinese LanguageThe Cantian Idiolect:An Analysis of the Chinese Spoken by a Twenty-eight-month-old ChildPopular Chinese Plant Words:A Desceriptive Lexico-Gram-matical StudyMeaning in Language and How It Is AcquiredNotes on Chinese Grammar and LogicChinese Terms of AddressLinguistic Prerequisites for a Speech WriterTone,Intonation,Singsong,Chanting,Recitative,Tonal Complsitiion,and Atonal Composition in ChinseFormal and Semantic Discrepancies between Different Levels of Chinese StructureHow Chinese Logic OperatesAmbiguity in ChineseThe Morphemic Status of Certain Chinese TonesGraphic and Phonetic Aspects of Linguistic and Mathematical SymbolsWhat Is Correct ChineseModels in Linguistics and Models in GeneralChinese LanguageTranslation without MachineSome Feed-back Eeefts of Communication Technlolgy on Styles of Speecfh……Postscript




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用戶評論 (總計9條)


  •   絕對是了解、研究趙元任先生必備的書籍之一。拜讀ing~
  •   一部經(jīng)典的語言學著作,學語言學的都應(yīng)該讀。
  •   漢語語音學的必讀書!
  •   四導(dǎo)師中趙是最年輕的,同時也是最富有天才的靈感的一位。他除了是語言學家之外,也很懂物理學,甚至還是一位作曲家。這樣的人物,離開了晚清民國那個風云際會的年代,再也找不出了。樓上的人說得好,與大師以這樣的方式對話,是我們的幸運。
  •   趙元任先生是漢語語言學之父,是清華四大導(dǎo)師之一,也是其中最年輕的、成就最大的一位。讀了這本論文集,受益匪淺,許多觀點和結(jié)論直到現(xiàn)在仍是正確的。
  •   還沒有仔細看,但粗粗一覽,已經(jīng)被趙先生的博學所折服,除了各種語言學知識外,更有各種數(shù)學公式,讀完后,肯定受益匪淺;書的裝幀也很好~
  •   我是個附庸風雅的人,不是研究語言學的.買過來看看再說,其實大師的作品就是一座龐大的寶庫,沒人看守.沒有知道是寶庫而不撲上去的,你能拿多少就拿多少!
  •   能和大師級的人物對話,是一種幸福,大家如果知道趙先生在業(yè)內(nèi)的名望,就會懷著一個崇敬的態(tài)度去閱讀這本書。當然如果你不是專門研究語音學的,請慎重購買。
  •   看了幾頁,看不下去,學術(shù)性的論文集,年代久遠,對我這個外行一點意義也沒有。我的期望是通俗的、面向大眾的。失望。對作者了解很少,只看了幾頁,對他的了解也沒有增加多少。最大的收獲,是看見作者年輕時的照片,三角眼,和我一樣.

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