
出版時間:2007-8  出版社:商務(wù)印書館  作者:張國剛  


This paper deals with the total amount of Yuffti's memorials to the throne, touching upon  the problems as when they were written, missing and the reasons of it, mistakes in their trans-  lating and printing, and specific dates of Yunti's undated memorials and dates of the Emperor's  comments written in red with a brush on those memorials. We have reasons to say that, hither-  to, the total amount of printed Yunti's memorials to the throne is 357 items, that Yunti was the  one who had submitted the most memorials to the throne from 57 to 61 year of Emperor  Kangxi's regime (1718--1722), and that his memorials had a very important place in the total amount of memorials to the throne in the late period of Emperor Kangxi's regime. His memori- als examined here are either originals or copies written from the copies he had sent to Li Fan Yuan (a ministry for Mongolian, Tibetan and Manchu affairs). And more than two third of his original texts were cut out and destroyed by Emperor Yongzheng. Again, some of the survived originals and copies from Li Fan Yuan were removed or deleted when they were translated and printed, making the contemporary versions of translation even more incomplete. There are se-rious problems in the quality of translation and edition of contemporary versions of his memori-als. Most of the existing undated memorials and related comments written in red with a brush can be traced back to their specific written dates through the writer's text research. No doubt,the examination of his memorials would further the studies on problems such as how Emperor Kangxi run the west frontier and the struggle for succession in the late period of Emperor Kan-gxi's regime.


中國早期民族源流論略——《中華民族早期源流》自序唐宋變革期的家庭規(guī)模與結(jié)構(gòu)——依據(jù)小說史料進行分析清乾隆朝內(nèi)務(wù)府的皮貨買賣與京城時尚盜匪與庚子勤王運動——南海西樵巨盜區(qū)新出版事業(yè)和政治形象:1910一1920年的南通模式清初江南的鄉(xiāng)村變遷與社會結(jié)構(gòu)天津娼業(yè)改造問題述論:1949—1957  胡適1926年對莫斯科中山大學(xué)的訪問從整理國故到再造文明:五四時期史學(xué)革新的現(xiàn)代意義學(xué)衡派政治觀念評述——兼論北洋知識界政治觀念的幾個特點洋務(wù)時期中國人對世界局勢的認識宋代的士大夫與家族、宗族——以范公偁《過庭錄》為線索從漏澤園墓志銘看國家和家族楊士奇之族譜序跋所見宗族與修譜一以明初江西泰和及吉安為中心明清洞庭商人家族戰(zhàn)國秦漢時期的女巫論漢代的家庭教育中古清河崔氏家傳文化研究宋代家庭對于佛教寺院的供養(yǎng)——以石刻文字為主知識女性在近代社會轉(zhuǎn)型中的家庭角色分析——以《大公報》女編輯、記者為實例 明代白銀貨幣化與社會變遷唐宋茶馬互市的演變試說宋代“系官田產(chǎn)”的類型及來源天津近現(xiàn)代史上的猶太人及其經(jīng)濟社會生活補《隋書·宰相表》兼論隋政權(quán)核心構(gòu)成的演變及其特征試論唐代后期地方監(jiān)察制度的演變五代起居制度初探宋代筆記小說中的王安石形象允褪奏折考辨評論 文化、歷史與國家——鄭振滿教授訪談 人、人口與社會結(jié)構(gòu)——關(guān)于社會史一個基本理論問題之討論 論婦女史的學(xué)科建設(shè):歷史進程與現(xiàn)實努力 中古茶文化展開的歷史軌跡——評關(guān)劍平《茶與中國文化》 從人生禮俗透視中國的文化結(jié)構(gòu)——讀《北京的生育婚姻和喪葬:十九世紀至當代的民間文化和上層文化》 唐代婦女面面觀——唐代婦女史中文專著研究述評書評英文提要




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