OCP Oracle9i Database Fundamentals Ⅱ考試指南(英文版)

出版時間:2002-4-1  出版社:機械工業(yè)出版社  作者:Rama Velpuri  頁數(shù):536  


本書內(nèi)容分為三個部分。第一部分PARTⅠ Oracle Networking:1 Networking Overview;2 Basic Oracle Net Architecture;3 Basic Net Server-Side Configuration;4 Basic RACLE Net Services Client-Side Configuration;5 Usage and Configuration of the Oracle Shared Server。PART Ⅱ Backup and Recovery:6 Backup and Recovery Overview;7 Instance and Media Recovery Structures;8 Configuring the Database Archive Mode;9 Oracle Recovery Manager Overview and Configuration;10 User-Managed Backups;11 Rman Backups;12 User-Managed Complete Recovery;13 RMAN Complete Recovery;14 User-Managed Lncomplete Recovery;15 RMAN Incomplete Recovery;16 RMAN Maintenance;17 Recovery Catalog Creation and Maintenance;18 Transporting Data Between Databases;19 Loading Data into a Database。第三部分PART Ⅲ Test Yourself:Oracle 9i DBA PRActice Exams:20 Practice Exams for OCP DBAⅡ Fundamentals。


Rama Velpuri:Rama Velpuri is the founder and CEO of ORAMASTERS Inc,OPAMASTERS specializes in providing Online support ser-vices for Oracle users worldwide.Before founding ORA-MASTERS,Mr.Velpuri worked with Oracle Corporation for more than ten Years.


ACKNOWLEDGMENTSINTRODUCTIONPARTⅠ Oracle Networking 1 Networking Overview 2 Basic Oracle Net Architecture 3 Basic Net Server-Side Configuration 4 Basic ORACLE Net Services Client-Side Configuration 5 Usage and Configuration of the Oracle Shared ServerPART Ⅱ Backup and Recovery 6 Backup and Recovery Overview 7 Instance and Media Recovery Structures 8 Configuring the Database Archive Mode 9 Oracle Recovery Manager Overview and Configuration 10 User-Managed Backups 11 Rman Backups 12 User-Managed Complete Recovery 13 RMAN Complete Recovery 14 User-Managed Lncomplete Recovery 15 RMAN Incomplete Recovery 16 RMAN Maintenance 17 Recovery Catalog Creation and Maintenance 18 Transporting Data Between Databases 19 Loading Data into a DatabasePART Ⅲ Test Yourself:Oracle 9i DBA PRActice Exams 20 Practice Exams for OCP DBAⅡ Fundamentals Index



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