
出版時間:2010-8  出版社:國防工業(yè)出版社  作者:林黌 編  頁數(shù):全2冊  


  《藝體類大學英語》根據(jù)教育部頒布的《大學英語課程教學要求》編寫,結合當前我國普通高等院校大學英語教學實際,并借鑒國外外語教學的相關經(jīng)驗編寫,內(nèi)容實用,體系科學,并具時代特色。它充分考慮中、西部高校音樂、體育、美術類專業(yè)學生的英語基礎水平,在教材內(nèi)容、難易度、課堂可操作性等方面進行了針對性的設計,突出語言知識的實用性,以提高學習者英語綜合應用能力為編寫目的。本教材具有以下特點: ?。?)夯實英語基礎知識。從學生實際出發(fā),注意將學生在中學階段應該掌握但尚未掌握的語言基本知識和技能,融人到訓練學生學習使用英語的活動中,達到提高英語綜合應用能力和查缺補漏的目的?! 。?)重視英語學習策略的培訓。本書在體例編排上由淺人深、循序漸進,在進行語言知識、技能學習和應用能力培養(yǎng)的同時,對學習者進行英語學習策略培訓,提高學習效率。 ?。?)加強對英語應用能力的培養(yǎng)。本教材在設計上,從聽力人手,強化聽、說技能的訓練,重視不同語言技能間的聯(lián)系和綜合應用能力的培養(yǎng),充分體現(xiàn)知識的應用要素,促進知識的轉化和遷移?! 。?)強調(diào)教學內(nèi)容的實用性。本教材在選材方面既注重語言的規(guī)范性、題材多樣性、內(nèi)容新穎性,又兼顧知識性、科學性、趣味性和可讀性。所選文章短小,易于學習和操練;聽、說、讀、寫、譯各項技能的培養(yǎng)與訓練都圍繞同一話題展開,而且各項練習均圍繞培養(yǎng)學生語言技能和交際能力設計。 ?。?)增強跨文化意識。語言和文化是相結合的。本教材在編寫上以語言為載體,力求在背景知識和詞匯等方面反映當今英語國家的社會、人文等風貌,培養(yǎng)學生的跨文化交際能力和批判性思維能力?! ”窘滩挠稍颇鲜”究圃盒5闹處焻⑴c編寫,他們分別來自紅河學院、云南農(nóng)業(yè)大學、昆明大學和曲靖師范學院。在此,對這些學院的全力支持表示感謝,并對本教材所選用的閱讀篇章的作者表示深切的謝意?! ∮捎诰幷咚接邢?,書中難免有錯誤和疏漏之處,敬請讀者批評指正。


本書包括上、下冊,每冊15個單元,每單元圍繞一個主題進行選材和編寫。所選的主題均貼近學生的生活,關注時代熱點,反映時代節(jié)奏。每個單元由Part 1、Part 2和Part 3三個部分組成。Part 1主要為聽力技能訓練和口語訓練;Part 2包含一篇課文及相關的閱讀、詞匯、語法和寫作練習;Part 3為與音樂、體育、美術學生專業(yè)知識內(nèi)容相關的閱讀訓練?! ”緯趦?nèi)容選擇及教學設計上與音樂、體育、美術專業(yè)教學密切相關,適合藝術類、體育類普通高等院校作為大學英語教學教材使用。


《藝體類大學英語(上)》 Unit 1 Dream and Reality  Unit 2 College Life Unit 3 Leisure Activities Unit 4 Study Habits and Achievement Unit 5 Learning Resources Unit 6 Physical Exercises and Health Unit 7 Love and Friendship Unit 8 Words and Their Stories Unit 9 Chinese Major Festivals and Western Major Festivals Unit 10 Music and Happiness Unit 11 Art and Talent Unit 12 Cooperation and Competition Unit 13 NBA and CUBA Unit 14 Success and Failure Unit 15 Beijing Opera and Yunnan Opera《藝體類大學英語(下)》


  Monty was the son of an itinerant horse trainer who would go from stable to stable, racetrack to race track, farm to farm and ranch to ranch, training horses. As a result, Monty's highschool career was continually interrupted. When he was a senior, he was asked to write a paperabout what he wanted to be and do when he grew up.  That night he wrote a seven-page paper describing his goal of someday owning a horseranch. He wrote about his dream in great detail and he even drew a diagram of a 200-acre ranch,showing the location of all the buildings, the stables and the track. Then he drew a detailedfloor plan for a 4,000-square-foot house that would sit on a 200-acre dream ranch.  He put a great deal of his heart into the project and the next day he handed it in to histeacher. Two days later he received his paper back. On the front page was a large red F with anote that read, "See me after class."  Monty with the dream went to see the teacher after class and asked, "Why did I receivean F?"  The teacher said, "This is an unrealistic dream for a young boy like you. You have nomoney. You come from an itinerant family. You have no resources. Owning a horse ranchrequires a lot of money. You have to buy the land. You have to pay for the original breedingstock and later you'll have to pay large stud fees. There's no way you could ever do it." Thenthe teacher added, "If you will rewrite this paper with a more realistic goal, I will reconsideryour grade."  Monty went home and thought about it long and hard. He asked his father what he shoulddo. His father said: "Look, son, you have to make up your own mind on this. However, I thinkit is a very important decision for you."  Finally, after sitting with it for a week, Monty turned in the same paper, making nochanges at all. He stated, "You can keep the F and I'll keep my dream."





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