出版時間:2004-1 出版社:高林(Colling.J.) 外文出版社 (2004-01出版) 作者:高林
It is a great honor for me to write a preface for the new, PFS (China Society for People's Friendship Studies) 50-book series under the general title of Light on China. All these books were written in English by journalistic and other eyewitnesses of the events described. I have read many of them over the seven decades since my student days at Yenching University. With some of the outstanding authors in this series I have ties of personal friendship, mutual regard, and warm memories dating from before the Chinese people' s Liberation in 1949.Looking back and forward, ! am convinced that China is pursuing the right course in building a strong and prosperous country in a rapidly changing world with its complex and sometimes volatile developments.
《延安精神:中美友誼之戰(zhàn)時篇章(英文版)》內容簡介:The China Society for People's Friendship Studies (PFS) in cooperation with the Foreign Languages Press (FLP) in Beijing has arranged for re-publication, in the series entitled Light on China, of some fifty books written in English between the 1860s and the founding years of the People's Republic, by journalistic and other sympathetic eyewitnesses of the revolutionary events described. Most of these books have long been out of print, but are now being brought back to life for the benefit of readers in China and abroad.
ForewordPrefaceThe AuthorPrologue,IntroductionChapter One: To Yenan by Way of BurmaChapter Two: First ImpressionsChapter Three: Settling inChapter Four: Men at ArmsChapter Five: Waging WarEpilogueAppendix I: Biographies.Appendix II: President Roosevelt on ChinaBibliography
插圖:Declared a fugitive by the Nationalist government, with a US$80,000 price on his head, Zhou fled to Wuhan and later Nanjing, in time to help organize the 'August First Uprising' of rebel Nationalist army units —— considered the birthplace of the Communist Red Army. He then went back to Shantou (Swatow) to lead a Communist workers' insurrection. They held the city for ten days against assaults by both foreign gunboats and troops of local warlords. Next came the abortive Guangzhou Commune, which he helped organize under orders of the Moscow-directed wing of the Communist Party.Moscow called Li Li-san, its man in Shanghai, to account for the failures of the urban uprisings and bypassed Zhou in favor of promoting Wang Ming who was more popular than Zhou with Stalin. When Wang became the new party leader designate in 1931, Zhou En-lai recanted his adherence to the belief that an urban proletariat revolution was a necessary step on the path to communism, and gave up his life as an underground urban insurrectionist to join the Red Army forces in the Communist-controlled 'Soviet' districts of Kiangsi and Fujian, both of which were held and governed by Mao and Zhu De's peasant revolutionary forces.