
出版時(shí)間:2004-1  出版社:外文出版社  作者:威爾斯  


It is a great honor for me to write a preface for the new,PFS(China Society for People's Friendship Studies)50-book series under the general title of Light on China. All these books were written in English by journalistic and other eyewitnesses of the events descry bed. I have read many of them over the seven decades since my student days at Yenching University. With some of the out standing authors in this series I have ties of personal friendship,mutual regard,and warm memories dating from before the Chinese people's Liberation in 1949. Looking back and forward,I am convinced that China is pursuing the right course in building a strong and prosperous country in a rapidly changing world with its complex and sometimes volatile developments.


《中國建設(shè)民主:中國工合史》內(nèi)容簡介:The China Society for People's Friendship Studies(PFS)in cooperation with the Foreign Languages Press(FLP)in Beijing has arranged for re-publication,in the series entitled Light on China,of some fifty books written in English between the 1860s and the founding years of the People's Republic,by journalistic and other sympathetic eyewitnesses of the revolutionary events described. Most of these books have long been out of print,but are now being brought back to life for the benefit of readers in China and abroad.


作者:(美國)威爾斯(Nym Wales)


LIST OF ILLUSTRATl0NSNOTEPREFACEI.PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS1.Nine Iron Rods2.Agenda for Democracy in China3.The Hour of Decision in the Far East4.China's “Indusco Line”and the InvaderII.GENESIS OF THE IDEA1.Shanghai.19382.The Founding of the Hankow3.The Pioneering“Bailie Boys”4.Rewi AlleyIII.CHINA'S FIRST COOPER ATIVE COMMUNITY1.Exploring New Frontiers2.Revolutionizing Chinese Village Life3.“Indusco Town4.Lu Kuang-mien and C.E Wu5.A Cambridge Volunteer:George Aylwin Hog6.Kansu and J.B.TaylerIV.SECOND AND THIRD LINES OF DEFENSE1.The Southwest and Southeast2.The Indusco RearV.FRONT LINE AND MOBILE GUERRILLA UNITS1.Industry Marches Into Battle2.An Experiment in the Actual Unification of China3.The Northwest International CenterVI.WINNING THE WAR1.Helping the Soldier at the Front2.Disabled Soldiers Help ThemselvesVII.THE INDUSC0 GOLD-RUSH AND 0THER MINING ACTIVITIESVIII.THE EMANCIPlATl0N 0F WOMENIX.EDUCATl0N FOR DEMOCRACY1.Schooling in Self-Help2.Technical Training Schools for Industry3.Associations of Cultural Workers X.MODERN MEDICINE FOR THE VILLAGE1.Cooperative Clinics and Hospitals2.Making Medical and Hospital SuppliesXI.SKILLED LABOR AND REFUGEE RELIEFXII.FRIENDS AND SUPPORTERS1.In Hong Kong and the Interior2.The International Committee for C.I.C Productive Relief Fund3.In the Philippines.Java and India4.In England.Australia and Europe5.In the United States and HawaiiXIII.FINANCES1.Government Loans and Outside Contributions2.Bank Loans.Foreign Loans and Private Investors3.What Money Can Do:A Few StatisticsXIV.FUTURE HORIZONS1.Industrial Shanghai VS.Interior China2.Foiling Enemy Bombers3.The Rural Cooperative Movement4.Difficulties5.The Future of Cooperative IndustryAPPENDICES1.Map showing the Chinese Industrial Cooperatives Headquarters Regions2.Model Constitution for Societies3.Tables Showing Distribution of Cooperative Industries in the Northwest Headquarters as of September,19394.Statistics on Growth and Balance Sheets of Individual Cooperatives in Chengtu,Szechuan,June 1,19405.Wages in the Northwest Headquarters of the Chinese Industrial Cooperatives6.Distribution of Industries of the Chinese Industrial Cooperatives7.Report of the Yenan C.I.C.0ffice8.References


插圖:For the Industrial plants,however,the Government took little action until almost a year ago when it fostered the Industrial Cooperatives. It immediately solved four outstanding problems precipitated by Japan's wanton destruction of China's industrial centers. First. it provided a way for China to mobilize its economic and industrial resources so as to increase her power of resistance. Secondly,it created a new basis for China's economic structure by giving rise to domestic industries. Thirdly,it provided work for the refugees who had been thrown out of employment in consequence of the industrial plants having fallen into the hands of the enemy. Fourthly,it helped to salvage and rescue from the threatened areas the machinery and transplant them to the interior where the Work could be revived.





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