出版時(shí)間:2004-1 出版社:朗寧(Ronning C) 外文出版社 (2004-01出版) 作者:朗寧
It is agrcathonor for me to what aprChe for the new,PFS(ChinaSociety for People'S Friendship Studies)50-book series under thegeneral title of Lig.ht on China.All these books were written inEnglish by journalistic and other eyewitnesses of the eventsdescribed.I have read many of them over the seven decades sincemy student days at Yenching University.With some of the outstand.ing authors in this series I have ties of personal friendship,mutualregard,and warln memories dating from before the Chinese people'SLiberation in 1949.Looking back and forward,I am convinced that China is pursu-ing the right course in building a strong and prosperous country ina rapidly changing world with its complex and sometimes volatiledevelopments.
《革命中的中國回憶錄》內(nèi)容簡介:The China Society for People'S Friendship Studies(PFS)in coopera-tion with the Foreign Languages Press(FLP)in Beijing has arrangedfor re-publication,in the series entitled Linght On China,of some fifty bookswritten in English between the 1860s and the founding years of the People'SRepublic,by journalistic and other sympathetic eyewitnesses of the revo-lutionary events described.Most of these books have long been out of print,but are now being brought back to life for the benefit of readers in China and abroad.
作者:(加拿大)朗寧(Ronning C)
List of IlluStrationSPreface1 How It A11 Started2 Ancient China’S Collapse3 The“Great Revolution”and the 1927 Disaster4 The Long March and the Sian Incident5 Chungking6 Nanking and Chungking.19467 Nanking.1947-88 Kuling.19489 The Liberation of Nanking10 Peace and Reform11 Last Days in China12 Recognition of the People's Republic of China The Canadian Experience13 Canada'S Role in the Korean War and Armistice14 Two Peace Conferences,Geneva,195415 The Laos Conference.1961-216 Washington and Hanoi.1966Canada'S Offer of"Good Offices"17 Return Visits to ChinaAbout the Author
插圖:In 1932,the United Farmers ofAlbeta(UFA)asked me the be their candi-date to contest a by-election for the Legislative Assembly of Alberta.Thatsummer,the UFA had ioined the Cooperative Commonwealth Federation(CCF),headed by James Woodsworth.I happened to be the first person in Canada tomn on the provisional CCF platform.Not long after my campaign started,a supporter told me that a verydamaging whispering campaign was spreading rapidly through the constitu.ency about me.In his opinion,if I did not stop it,1 would stand no chance ofwinning against my opponents.I asked my new friend what part of my darkpast had been discovered.He said:“They say you were bom in China.Theyalso say,”he went on,"that your mother was unable to supply you with milkand that COW'S milk was not available in China.Is that really so?"From the way he asked the question I got the impression that he couldnot vote for me if my reply was in the affirmative.So I had to explain that I hadno intention of refusing to give credit to a kind Chinese woman who hadsaved my life SO that I could contest this election as a farmers’candidate. My friend finished by saying:"The worst of it is that they say since youwere brought up on Chinese milk,you are partly Chinese."I interjected that,according to that logic,I might have absorbed some ofthe traditional wisdom of the great Chinese philosophers,which should makeme the best possible member of the Alberta Legislature to represent the farm-ers of the Camrose Constituency.I tried to end our conversation by asking my friend to start a whisperingcampaign about my opponents?!癢hat do you know about them?”he asked.“I have it on fairly good authority,”I said,“that they were brought up oncow’s milk.”I told this story at every public meeting I addressed after that,and theaudiences seemed to appreciate its logic.