出版時間:2008-1 出版社:外文 作者:盧敏 編 頁數(shù):152 字數(shù):200000
科技發(fā)展和經(jīng)濟全球化使對外交流與合作日益頻繁。在傳播先進的文化和科技方面,翻譯起著越來越重要的橋梁和紐帶作用。隨著我國改革開放的進一步深化、加入世界貿(mào)易組織和綜合國力的提高,我國在國際事務中的作用越來越重要。我國的翻譯人員不僅要把國外先進文明成果介紹到國內(nèi),而且還要把國內(nèi)優(yōu)秀的文化、科技成果推向世界。因此,我國急需越來越多的優(yōu)秀翻譯人才。但是,我國的翻譯人才卻青黃不接。正是在此背景下,國家人事部推出了全國翻譯專業(yè)資格(水平)考試,不拘一格地選拔高素質的翻譯人才。 全國翻譯專業(yè)資格(水平)考試是國內(nèi)最具權威的翻譯專業(yè)資格認證考試,是對應試者口、筆譯方面的雙語互譯能力和水平的認定。該考試已經(jīng)納入國家職業(yè)資格證書制度??荚嚭细駥@得由國家人事部頒發(fā)的《中華人民共和國翻譯專業(yè)資格(水平)證書》,該證書是聘任翻譯專業(yè)技術職務的必備條件之一,在全國范圍內(nèi)有效。 為了幫助廣大考生全面了解該考試,有的放矢地備考,我們編寫了《英語三級口譯考試真題精選》。 本書緊扣考試大綱,透徹分析和歸納了考點和采分點,并配有原聲光盤。考生可以真實地了解到口譯考試的語音、語速、語調和停頓時間。這些真題和原聲光盤給廣大考生提供了實戰(zhàn)熱身的素材。專家的詳解和點撥可以開闊考生的眼界,幫助解決口譯考試中遇到的棘手問題?!犊谧g綜合能力》由試題、參考答案、綜合解析和錄音材料組成。書中總結了口譯綜合能力的基本考點。通過研讀這些考點,考生可以在口譯考試時胸有成竹,不僅知其然,而且知其所以然?!犊谧g實務》由試題(錄音材料)、參考譯文及綜合解析組成。書中還歸納了口譯實務的采分點。常見的采分點包括基本素質采分點、結構理解采分點、言語表達采分點等。通過研讀這些采分點,考生可以正確選詞組句,從理解和表達兩個方面確保譯文質量,在口譯考試中取得高分。
全國翻譯專業(yè)資(水平)考試英語三級口譯考試大綱(試行)英語二級口譯應試技巧全國資格考試答題卡全真試題(一) 口譯綜合能力 參考答案 綜合解析 錄音材料 口譯實務 錄音材料 參考譯文及綜合解析全真試題(二) 口譯綜合能力 參考答案 綜合解析 錄音材料 口譯實務 錄音材料 參考譯文及綜合解析全真試題(三) 口譯綜合能力 參考答案 綜合解析 錄音材料 口譯實務 錄音材料 參考譯文及綜合解析全真試題(四) 口譯綜合能力 參考答案 綜合解析 錄音材料 口譯實務 錄音材料 參考譯文及綜合解析全國翻譯專業(yè)資格(水平)考試問答
Passage Three Glacier National Park in Montana shares boundaries with Canada, an American Indian reservation, and a national forest. Along the North Fork of the Flathead River, the park also borders about 17,000 acres of private lands that are currently used for ranching, timber, and agriculture. This land is an important part of the habitat and migratory routes for several,endan- gered species that frequent the park. These private lands are essentially the only ones available for development in the region. With encouragement from the park, local landowners initiated a land-use planning effort to guide the future of the North Fork. The park is a partner in an interlocal agreement that calls for resource-managing agencies to work together with the more than 400 private owners in the area. A draft plan has been prepared, with the objective of maintaining traditional economic uses but limiting new development that would damage park resources. Voluntary action by landowners, in cooperation with the park and the county, is helping to restrict small-lot subdivisions, maintain wildlife corridors, and minimize any harmful impact on the environment. The willingness of local landowners to participate in this protection effort may have been stimulated by concerns that Congress would impose a legislative solution. Nevertheless, many local residents want to retain the existing character of the area. Meetings between park officials and landowners have led to a dramatically improved understanding of all concerns. Passage Four Everyone knows about unemployment. But millions of working Americans are now facing a less familiar and perhaps more troubling problem: shrinking wages. Its a phenomenon that takes many forms. Some workers have had to swallow outright pay cuts. Others have lost their jobs and, in the tough labor market of today, have had to settle for new ones at less pay. Still others including employees at such giants as AT&[, Boise Cascade and Starwood Hotels have had to accept pay freezes that, when rising prices are factored in, amount to reduced compensation. To add insult to injury, companies everywhere are reducing bonuses and over- time and eroding health and pension benefits.