
出版時間:2010-1  出版社:外文出版社  作者:中國文明史編寫小組  頁數(shù):338  


China, as a country, has one of the world's most ancient civilizations. If one begins with the Paleolithic culture of prehistoric times, China has passed through such stages of development as the Neolithic culture,the Bronze culture, the cultures of various-imperial dynasties, and, finally, the modern and contemporary cultures. China: Images of a Civilization, through its brief, systematic introduction to Chinese civilization,especially its presentation of visual materials, unfolds the splendid richness and variety of Chinese national culture and gives one the feeling of reliving those historical and contemporary times.    The recorded history of Chinese civilization of 5,000 years is the true treasure of the Chinese nation. However,the several thousand years of centralized feudal rule had also left a profound mark on Chinese civilization.Today and into the foreseeable future, conflict between traditional customs and new ideas, contradictions between Chinese indigenous culture and foreign influence, will find expression in every field of Chinese society. Nevertheless,we have every reason to expect that China, amidst the clashes of the old and the new, will make the most of the strong points of its traditional civilization, learn from the best of the world's cultures, and will steadfastly advance in its reform. These developments will add a new chapter to Chinese civilization and contribute to world peace and progress.    A Timeline of Other Histories is included, at the bottom of each page, to facilitate the audience to compare the events happened simultaneously in Chinese history with that in the histories of other nations.    Our hope is that this book, China: Images of a Civilization,will provoke more people to understand and appreciate Chinese civilization.


IntroductionAncient China (c.l.7m. years ago-475 B.C.)Primitive Society (c.l.7m. years ago-4,000 B.C.)2 The Earliest Chinese · 6 The Matriarchal Age · 12 The Patriarchal AgeSlave Society (c.2000-476 B.C.)18 The Xia Dynasty · 20 The Shang Dynasty · 24 The Western Zhou Dynasty · 30 TheSpring and Autumn PeriodFeudal China (475 B.C.-1840)The Warring States (475-221 B.C.)38 Wars · 44 The Iron Age · 48 Schools of ThoughtThe Qin and Han Dynasties (221-202 B.C.)54 The Qin Dynasty · 63 The Western Han Dynasty · 67 The Eastern Han Dy nasty70 Economy and Science · 74 The Silk Road · 75 Great Writers and ThinkersThe Three Kingdoms, Jin Dynasty, Southern and Northern Dynasties(420-589)79 The Three Kingdoms · 85 The Jin Dynasty · 88 The Southern and Northern Dynasties93 ScienceThe Sui and Tang Dynasties (581-960)98 The Sui Dynasty · 102 The Tang Dynasty · 110 Economy and Commerce · 112 Science andTechnology · 114 The Golden Age of Buddhism · 117 Art and LiteratureThe Song and Yuan Dynasties (960-1368)122 The Northern Sony Dynasty · 127 The Rise of"Barbarian" Regimes · 129 The South-ern Song Dynasty · 132 The Rise of the Mongol Kingdom · 134 The Yuan Dynasty · 138Economy · 141 Gold Age of Science · 145 Art and LiteratureThe Ming and Qing Dynasties (1368-1840)148 The Ming Dynasty · 155 The Qing Dynasty Before the Opium War · 161 Economy ·164 Science · 166 Art and LiteratureModern China (1840-1949)The Late Qing Dynasty (1840-1911)172 The Opium Wars · 178 The Taiping Rebellion · 180 Official Modernization Attempts· 182 China Carved Up · 185 The Hundred Days' Reform · 187 The Boxer Movement · 190Reforms and RevolutionsThe Republic Period (1911-1949)195 The Rise ofYuan Shikai · 198 China During the World War I · 201 The May 4th Move-ment · 204 Introduction of Marxism · 206 The Founding of the Communist Party · 208Early Activities of the Communists · 211 The First Kuomintang-Communist United Front· 214 The May 30th Movement · 216 The Northern Expedition · 219 Chiang Turns Againstthe Revolution · 221 To Resist the Counter-revolution · 223 Chiang Consolidated HisPolitical Power · 226 The Revolutionary Base Areas · 228 Chiang Attempts to Wipe Outthe Base Areas · 230 Japanese Aggression in World War II · 232 The Communists' PolicyToward Japanese Aggression · 233 The Long March · 237 The December 9th Movement ·239 The Xfan Incident · 241 The Second Kuomintang-Communist United Front · 243 Jap-        anese Massive Invasion of China · 245 Rift in the United Front · 24,8 Life in Communist-        controlled Areas · 251 Life in Kuomintang-controlled Areas · 254, After World War II ·        256 The Civil War · 260 The War of LiberationContemporary China (1949-)The People's Republic (1949-)264 The Founding of the People's Republic · 269 The First Five-year Plan · 271 Lessonsfrom the First Five-year Plan · 272 The Socialist Transformation · 275 The Great Leap For-ward · 280 Building Socialism by Self-reliance · 282 The "Cultural Revolution"Reform and Opening-up (1978-)297 Black Cat, White Cat · 298 Economic Reform · 304 Opening to the Outside World ·  307"Develop the West" Campaign · 309 Three Important Theories · 311 One Country, TwoSystems · :314 An Independent Foreign Policy of Peace · 316 Literature and Art · :320 Edu-cation · :322 Olympic Dreams · :325 A Better Life · 328 Sustainable DevelopmentA Brief Chronology of Chinese HistroyIndex


《中國文明史(英文版)》:This book is a publishing landmark, which for the first time tells China's story with the western reader being its primary audience. The intricate tapestry of Chinese history is portrayed, describing its cultural, artistic, technological, philosophical and political contributions and challenges over thousands of years.   This book is a must for those readers who areeager to learn more about the people, places and stories that make the Middle Kingdom, a magical kingdom which has aroused the imagination and the curiosity of so many over thousands of years.




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  •   中國文明史》這是一部觀點新穎、立意深遠、創(chuàng)新頗多的中國史讀本。文筆流暢,絕無枯燥晦澀之感。寫中國古代歷史,不再以“奴隸社會”、“封建社會”分期,而是將五千年文明分為遠古、上古、中古、近古四個時段,而且這四個時段之間的分界亦背于常理。對中國歷史的理解,理論之源既不在以往學界所奉行的“經(jīng)濟決定論”,也不是韋伯的“意識決定論”,而是二者兼而有之。不是以中國論中國,而是將一部中國歷史放在人類歷史的大背景中予以考察,故而觀察更深刻,見解更獨到。
  •   比較喜歡歷史,也喜歡英語,購買了多種英文版的中國歷史書,比較看來這本是最好的。幾千年的歷史卻調(diào)理清晰,線索分明。本書抓住了歷史中的大事,娓娓道來,文字深入淺出,平實易懂,具有高中水平的都能看懂。多用的是描述性的語言,篇幅雖然不大,但不缺少細節(jié)的描述,非常生動。書中配有大量的插圖。彩色印刷,非常美觀養(yǎng)眼,看起來舒服。
  •   很好,紙質(zhì)豪華,

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