
出版時間:2012-9  出版社:化學工業(yè)出版社  作者:夏之寧  頁數:152  




LESSON ONEThe Basic Tasks in Analytical ChemistryReading Material:The Origins of ChemistryLESSON TWOProblems and Solution in Analytical ChemistryReading Material:The Classical Period of ChemistryLESSON THREEDecomposition of SamplesReading Material:The Search of New ElementsLESSON FOURTitrations in Non-Aqueous SolventsReading Material:Br·nsted-Lowry Theory of Acids and BasesLESSON FIVEThree Kinds of Indicator Methods in Precipitation Titrations of Cl· with Ag+Reading Material:Chemical Handbooks and "The Chemical Absatrcts"LESSON SIXDetection of the End Point in Oxidation-Reduction TitrationsReading Material:Titration of MixturesLESSON SEVENDetection Limits and Spectral Interferences in Atomic Emission SpectrometryReading Material:History of SpectroscopyLESSON EIGHTFlame Atomic Absorption SpectroscopyReading Material:IR Experimental MethodsLESSON NINEThe Classical Theory of Vibrational and Rotational SpectroscopyReading Material:Near Ultraviolet and Visible Absorption Spectroscopyof PolymerLESSON TENEnvironmental Speciation by ChromatographyReading Material:ChromatographyLESSON ELEVENThe Source and Family of Capillary ElectrophoresisReading Material:History of Medicinal Chemistry and BiochemistryLESSON TWELEVEPotentiometryReading Material:Indicator ElectrodesLESSON THIRTEENHow Does Stripping Analysis Work ·Reading Material:History of Stripping AnalysisLESSON FOURTEENInstrument-Computer InterfacesReading Material:Role of the Analytical Chemist in Environmental ScienceLESSON FIFTEENSimplex OptimizationReading Material:Drug Tests and Amateur AthletesLESSON SIXTEENSurface Acoustic Wave Gas Sensors and  Its Chemically Interactive MaterialsReading Material:The Influence of Ultrasound on Chemical ReactivityLESSON SEVENTEENPast, Present, and Future of ImmunoassaysReading Materials:Mass Spectrometric DetectionLESSON EIGHTEENNuclear Magnetic Resonance  (NMR) SpectroscopyReading Material:Carbon NMR SpectroscopyAPPENDIXAppendix 1: Further Reading ArticlesAppendix 2: Recommended analytical  Chemistry journals in English forFurther ReadingAppendix 3: Additional 500 English Words  Related to Analytical ChemistryAppendix 4: 課文與閱讀材料生詞表References 



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