出版時(shí)間:2008-1 出版社:中國人民大學(xué)出版社 作者:(英)安·湯普森,尼爾·泰勒 頁數(shù):613
List of illustrationsGeneral editors' prefacePrefaceIntroduction The challenges of Hamlet The challenge of acting Hamlet The challenge of editing Hamlet The challenge to the greatness of Hamlet:Hamlet versus Lear Hamlet in our time The soliloquies and the modernity of Hamlet Hamlet and Freud Reading against the Hamlet tradition Hamlet in Shakespeare's time Hamlet at the turn of the century The challenge of dating Hamlet Was there an earlier Hamlet play? Are there any early references to Shakespeare's play? Can we date Hamlet in relation to other contemporary plays? Hamlet's first performances The story of Hamlet Murder most foul An antic disposition 'Sentences', speeches and thoughts The composition of Hamlet The quartos and the Folio The quartos The First Folio The relationship of Q2 to Q1 The relationship ofF to Q2 What, then, of Q1 ? Editorial practice Why a three-text edition? Hamlet on stage and screen Hamlet and his points Enter the director Hamlet and politics Novel Hamlets Hamlet meets Fielding, Goethe, Dickens and others Hamlet and women novelists Prequels and sequels The continuing mystery of Hamlet THE TRAGICAL HISTORY OF HAMLET, PRINCE OF DENMARK The Second Quarto (1604-5)Appendices1 Folio-only passages2 The nature of the texts The early printed texts The early quartos The First Folio The quartos and folios after 1623 Modern editors at work The written text The performed text The printed text The multiple text A common position? Our procedure as editors of Hamlet Determining transmission Editorial principles Lineation and punctuation Textual tables3 Editorial conventions and sample passages Conventions Proper names Act and scene numbers Commentary Textual notes Sample passages4 The act division at 3.4/4.1 The editorial tradition The theatrical tradition Our decisions for the new Arden Hamlet5 Casting6 MusicAbbreviations and references Abbreviations used in notes Works by and partly by Shakespeare Editions of Shakespeare collated Other works citedIndex