出版時(shí)間:2009-2 出版社:中國(guó)人民大學(xué)出版社 作者:紀(jì)寶成 編 頁(yè)數(shù):175
Spring 2009VOLUME 4.NUMBERECoNoMlCSPENG GANG.JIANG YANXIAThe Nominal and Real Convergence of the EuropeaMonetary UnionERIC GIRARDIN.LlU ZHENYAIs the B-share Market Ripe for Merging with theA-market or Was It Already Ripe Long Ago?LIU YUANCHUNThe Nature of China’S Economic Growth RateCHEN ZHONGYANG.LILIBaselⅡand Bank Risk Management in ChinaCHEN LIANGAnalysis of Urban Development in China’SEconomic Transition:A Case StudyEDUCATIoNFENGJUNGeneral Education and Reading the ClassicsHUMANITIESYANG HUILIN.SHI XIAOLILanguage and Missionary Universities in ChinaMALINHow Does Heidegger Translate the Daodej ing?ALEXANDER V LOMANOVChinese Culture through the Eyes of RussianMissionaries:Translations and InterpretationsMARIAN GALIKJulius Zeyer (1841-1901):The Man WhoIntroduced Chinese Literature to BohemiaINTERNATIoNAL RELATIoNSDl DONGSHENG.SONG XIAOKUNThe EU-US-China Strategic Triangle from 200 1 to 2020:Facts and DynamicsRESEARCH REPoRTSCHINA’S ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH TEAM,RENMIN UNIVERSITY 0FCHINAThe Fiscal System and Policy Options Based on a Scientific View of Development CENTER FOR STUDIES OF SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY&METHOD,RENMINUNIVERSITY oF CHINA Community Construction and Institutional Innovion in ChinaTHE SCH00L oF ECONOMICS RESEARCH TEAM,RENMIN UNIVERSlTY OF CHINAChina’S Macroeconomy in the Course of Profound Downtum(Part I)
(2)The high lnvestment rate and economic cycle If we iust consider savings and material possessions,high investment has a sustainedfoundation.However,can economical operation in China support the high-speed growth of“current investment rate and fixed assets investment? One of the typical mainstream viewpoints is that the foundation of high-speed investmentrate in China is the investment rate in China not only higher than developed countries,butalso higher than all the developing countries.One of the structuralist analyses(Wang Jian,2004,2005)offers these figures as theoretical principle.“The analysis of structuralism regardsthe investment rate in China as critically high.High investment rate not only leads to excesscapacity in China.it also leads to external economy seriously unbalanced in the passiveexport,which brings about excess foreign exchange reserve,excess liquidity,macroeconomicoverheating and further high.speed growth of fixed assets investment.then 1eads China‘seconomy to the edge of crisis.a(chǎn)nd emerges a vicious circle that”investment scale increases_domestic supply ability increases fexceed domestic absorption ability)→net export increases (absorb domestic supply ability)→f10reign currency reserve increases→money supplyIncreases→credit scale increases_investment scale increases→Therefore,China’seconomic functioning does not accept the high investment rate and the high-speed growth ofinvestment.The core of future economic policies in China should be the control and decreaseof the fixed assets investment growth rate.Is the analysis method and theory of structuralism reasonable Can its policies findcorresponding confirmation The criteria for evaluation should be the following.First,canthe sustained high.speed fixed assets investment bring about overcapacity in China?Second,willinvestment in China bring about investment bottleneck problem because of over speed? Third.will nvestment in China cause the investment effect temporally or continually decrease?Fourth,are large-scale foreign trade surplus and the increase of export growth rate a passiveproduct of overcapacity in China?First,high.speed fixed.a(chǎn)sset investment has not brought about the overcapacity problem.Its most prominent manifestation is that high-speed investment rate in this expansion phase has not brought up the price of means of production and has not brought down the price of retailgoods.China‘s economy did not have the factor shortage problem or overcapacity problem.From 2002 to the first half of 2007,the average increase rate of the price of production goodswas less than 6%.PPI increase rate was less than 4%,while the core CPI of food price roseless than 1.4%on average.Profit margins had been maintained at a relatively high level.Thetransmissibility of production goods prices in terms of PPI,RPI,and CPI,gradually declinedyear by year.This also demonstrated that when China’s macroeconomy has confronted variouscost impacts,its problem solving ability has vastly improved.In the first half of 2007,the gapbetween the producer price index(PPI)and the raw materials,fuel and power purchasing priceindex was reduced.which further indicated that China had no overcapacity problem.
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