出版時間:2009-9 出版社:中國人民大學出版社 作者:(美)海德 著,趙秀文 等編譯 頁數(shù):316
作者:(美國)約翰·W·海德(John W.Head) 編譯:趙秀文 等
73. As noted abOve, governments have for a long time imposed rules regarding account-ing. This is more true today than ever before. Generally speaking, there are two key typesof regulatory requirements that give rise to such rules——what one legal scholar has called (i)the "dispositive" requirements and (ii) the "disclosure" requirements applicable to businessorganizations. 74. Dispositlve requirements may be described as those that require a company to take,or to refrain from taking, a particular kind of action if a certain financial situation exists. Forexample, a company may be prohibited from paying a dividend to its shareholders unless itsassets or earnings exceed stated amounts; or a corporation may ha required to declare bank-ruptcy if the level of its assets falls below the level of its liabilities. In such cases, of course,it is very important to know how to calculate the value of assets and liabilities.75. Disclosure requirements are those that obligate a company's management to reportperiodically to its owners or to their representatives. These are designed mainly to enablethe owners (for example, shareholders) to make collective decisions abOut the managementof the company, or to make individual decisions about selling or buying interests in the com-pany. But these periodic reports are also read by many others——government regulators, po-tential investors, and workers——wbo pass scrutiny on the company for various reasons.76. Disclosure requirements have recently become especially demanding in many coun-triea particularly those that have operating within their borders many companies that arelarge and that engage in complex transactions. For example, businesses increasingly under-take transactions in "derivative financial instruments" such as futures and forward contracts,which frequently can help a business manage certain price risks and financial risks relating toa business' other assets and liabilities!
本書作者海德教授是美國堪薩斯大學法學院的資深教授。1994年春,他作為美國富布賴特基金會(Fulbright Folmdation)向中國派出的法學教授,被當時的國家教育委員會(現(xiàn)在的教育部)安排在中國人民大學法律系從事國際法和國際商事交易法(國際商法)的教學。當時我作為他的助教,一起為1993年入學的法學專業(yè)研究生開設了全英文的國際商法課程。我依然清楚地記得,該課程中的仲裁解決國際商事爭議的專題,海德教授就是有意讓我講授的,他作為聽眾坐在同學們聽課的座位上給我提問題,以此鼓勵我并給了我發(fā)揮自己才干的巨大勇氣。海德教授在培養(yǎng)我國研究生的同時,也培養(yǎng)了當時作為年輕教師的我和我的同事們。1995年年初,我作為由美國福特基金會資助的中美法學教育交流項目的訪問學者到福丹(Fordham)大學法學院進行學術(shù)交流,剛到紐約后不久,海德教授就推薦我作為由美國佩斯大學法學院、聯(lián)合國國際貿(mào)易法委員會、國際商會仲裁院、美國仲裁協(xié)會等機構(gòu)聯(lián)合發(fā)起的,由來自北美洲、歐洲和大洋洲等15個國家共23個法學院學生代表參加的,在維也納舉行的第二屆維斯杯國際商事仲裁模擬仲裁大賽(William C. Vis Inter-national Commercial Arbitration Moot)①的仲裁員。此后,我們一直保持學術(shù)上和朋友之間的聯(lián)系,每到圣誕節(jié),他都把他親手精心制作的反映其家庭成員成長的照片作為賀年卡寄給我,至今從未問斷;我也把這些賀卡集中放在專門的小冊子中,作為最珍貴的禮物收藏。
《國際商事經(jīng)濟法律通則》:21世紀法學系列雙語教材教育部 財政部2008年度雙語教學示范課程建設項目