
出版時間:2009-10  出版社:中國人民大學出版社  作者:王慧莉 等主編  頁數:333  


  近年來,全國工商管理碩士(MBA)的招生人數逐年增長,因此教材的編寫也應該做出相應的調整,以適應MBA英語課程的需求?! BA英語課程一般采用集中授課的形式,在有限的時間內讓學生真正學到一些實用的東西是非常必要的。所以這一階段的教學不應是本科英語課程的簡單延續(xù),而應是幫助學生真正掌握一些實用的東西。一方面,根據專業(yè)的要求,教程的內容需要圍繞著工商管理的幾個主要方面;另一方面,課文要原汁原味,讓學生接觸到最真實、最地道的英語?!  禡BA研究生英語綜合教程》共分為15個單元,內容涵蓋全球化、商務戰(zhàn)略、公司產品、企業(yè)文化、領導能力、企業(yè)責任、市場營銷、商品品牌、產品廣告、有效溝通、管理創(chuàng)新、商務禮儀、企業(yè)并購、特許經營、電子商務等?! ∶總€單元分為六個部分?! 〉谝徊糠郑篖ead-in,主要為讀者提供與本單元內容相關的背景知識及詞匯,為參與其他的學習活動做好熱身?! 〉诙糠郑海篟eading,所有文章選自近年國外期刊、商務英語出版物的原版文章。為了能讓讀者更好地理解課文內容和掌握相關詞匯,課文之后設計了多種練習形式?! 〉谌糠郑篖istening,提供和本單元內容相關的各種場景下的對話和獨白,設計了簡單實用的練習形式,旨在訓練讀者的聽力?! 〉谒牟糠郑篠peaking,設計了和本單元內容相關的口語活動,并提供了完成口語活動所需的常用表達法,供學習者學習模仿,力求幫助學生在“學中用,用中學”。  第五部分:Writing,設計了和本單元內容相關的寫作練習,文體大部分是應用文?! 〉诹糠郑篊ase Study,提供了一篇和本單元內容相關的案例,供讀者討論,提出自己的看法、觀點及解決辦法。體現用英語作為工具來解決問題的指導思想,從而更好地幫助學生做到“學中用,用中學”?! 榱吮阌谑褂门c學習,每單元后面都列出了本單元出現的常用單詞和生詞,供讀者查閱?! ”M管本書的編寫力求準確、實用,但限于編者水平,書中定有許多需進一步改進和完善之處,祈請各位同行和廣大讀者批評指正?! ”緯貏e感謝美國洛杉磯加州州立大學的Jose L.Galvan教授,他對本書進行了通讀和審閱,并提供了寶貴的修改意見。


MBA英語課程一般采用集中授課的形式,在有限的時間內讓學生真正學到一些實用的東西是非常必要的。所以這一階段的教學不應是本科英語課程的簡單延續(xù),而應是幫助學生真正掌握一些實用的東西。一方面,根據專業(yè)的要求,教程的內容需要圍繞著工商管理的幾個主要方面;另一方面,課文要原汁原味,讓學生接觸到最真實、最地道的英語。     《MBA研究生英語綜合教程》共分為15個單元,內容涵蓋全球化、商務戰(zhàn)略、公司產品、企業(yè)文化、領導能力、企業(yè)責任、市場營銷、商品品牌、產品廣告、有效溝通、管理創(chuàng)新、商務禮儀、企業(yè)并購、特許經營、電子商務等。


Unit One  GlobalizationUnit Two  Business StrategyUnit Three   Company and ProductUnit Four  Corporate CultureUnit Five  LeadershipUnit Six   Corporate CitizenshipUnit Seven   MarketingUnit Eight   BrandsUnit Nine  Product and Corporate AdvertisingUnit Ten   Effective CommunicationUnit Eleven  Management CreativityUnit Twelve  International Business StylesUnit Thirteen  Mergers and AcquisitionsUnit Fourteen  FranchisingUnit Fifteen  Electronic Business


  [9] By contrast a marketing audit starts with market share analysis by customer segment andlinks this to changing trends in customer needs: wants and preferences and company positioningwith respect to these changes. In other words: it starts with customer trouble and links it to marketshare decline and changing customer trends in the marketplace.  [ 10] Notice the difference. By the time the business audit is done: the company is thrustaway from its current core business to new core opportunities. That is a change in the businessmodel! By contrast: by the time the marketing audit is done the company sees that it has lostmarket share and value in old target and discovers new target segments within its core industry. Itdoes not have to change its core business: only its marketing model.  [11] Business strategy then proceeds to selecting a future core business portfolio: whilesalvaging current core businesses. Marketing strategy: on the other hand: selects attractivecustomer targets and researches their needs and wants for new product features and design: newways customers want to access and feel about these products and the price they will exchange forthese new values. The company does not have to depart from its industry or business. It just hasto become more customer focused.  [12] Business strategy then propounds long-term strategies (3-5 years) for the new corebusiness portfolio. Marketing strategy: on the other hand: uses R&D to launch new products andrelated services: new distribution polices and improved networks and sales management: newbrand campaigns and promotion and new pricing policies. These are short-term and near-termtactics (1-2 years) that can improve profitability quickly.  [13] Business strategy then proceeds to restructure the company for its new long-termbusiness portfolio. This is costly and irreversible. It requires a new long-term debt structure.Marketing implementation will require organizational improvement and resource investment in itsholistie marketing budget. Companies monitor their marketing success and retain the flexibilityto make adjustments in performance. Marketing implementation does not require organizationaland financial restructuring.  [14] I have reduced the difference between the two disciplines of business strategy andmarketing strategy to a nutshell: because I want to make it easy to understand. There are manymore details that I cannot cover here. Most of the large companies that I have known in China donot really understand this difference. They tend to overdose on strategy: instead of treating theirproblem with marketing plans and implementation.  [15] Lets look at some classic examples of this difference. Nike and Starbucks have neverchanged their business strategy from day on. Nike never manufactured a shoe: but has devoteditself consistently to marketing research for new designs and fabulous programs of promotion:distribution and pricing. Starbucks started in the coffee business and is still in the coffee businessall over the world.



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  •   作為教材,是本不錯的書籍,如果配有課文的錄音就更好了。教材只有課后習題的錄音
  •   內容很好沒得說,就是文字排版的版面我不太喜歡,紙張不漂亮。

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