
出版時間:2006-12  出版社:北京大學(xué)  作者:克羅夫特  頁數(shù):356  字?jǐn)?shù):500000  


本書是有關(guān)認(rèn)知語言學(xué)的基本概念、內(nèi)容和方法的介紹,由曼徹斯特大學(xué)的WIIliam Croft和.A.an Cruse共同撰寫。Croft主要從事語言類型學(xué)研究,并據(jù)此提出了激進(jìn)構(gòu)式語法理論(Radical ConStrUCtion Grammar,2001)。CrlJse主要從事詞匯語義學(xué)研究,曾出版過《詞匯語義學(xué)》(Lexlcal Semantisc,1986)等具有影響的語義學(xué)著作。本書正是兩人發(fā)揮各自的特長和優(yōu)勢、通力合作的結(jié)果。全書內(nèi)容可分為三個部分,第一部分主要介紹認(rèn)知語言學(xué)研究的重要概念和原則,第二部分是關(guān)于詞匯語義學(xué)的認(rèn)知研究,其指導(dǎo)思想是語義是動態(tài)識解的結(jié)果,第三部分是關(guān)于語法的認(rèn)知研究,是以“語言知識來源于語言使用”的假設(shè)為指導(dǎo)思想的研究。    本書的結(jié)構(gòu)條理清晰,各部分之間以及各章節(jié)之間論述的主題以層層遞進(jìn)的方式展開。王要內(nèi)容是由兩條主線貫穿的:(1)將語義研究和語用研究相結(jié)合,探討意義在人腦中的構(gòu)建過程。(2)句法和詞法是不可分的,詞素、詞和句法構(gòu)成象征系統(tǒng)的連續(xù)體。


List offiguresList of tablesPreface1 Introduction:what is cognitive linguistics?Part Ⅰ A conceptual approach to linguistic analysis  2 Frames,domains,spaces:the organization of conceptual structure    2.1 Arguments for frame semantics    2.2 Concepts:profile.flame organization    2.3 Some consequences of the profile.frame/domain distinction    2.4 Extensions of the basic profile.frame~omain distinction      2.4.l Locational and configurational profiles      2.4.2 Scope of predication      2.4.3 Relationships between domains    2.5 Domains and idealized cognitive models    2.6 Mentalspaces  3 Conceptualization and construal operations    3.1 Introduction    3.2 Altention/sanenCe      3.2.1 Selection      3.2.2 Scope of attention(dominion)      3.2.3 Scalar adiustment      3.2.4 Dynamic attention    3.3 Judgement/comparison      3.3.1 Categorization      3.3.2 Metaphor      3.3.3 Figure.ground alignment    3.4 Perspective/situatedness      3.4.1 Viewpoint      3.4.2 Deixis      3.4.3 subiectivity    3.5 Constitution/Ge~qalt      3.5.1 Structural schematization      3.5.2 ForCc dynamics      3.5.3 Relationality(enfity/interconnection)    3.6 C'onclusion  4 Categories.concepts and meanings    4.1 Inlroduction    4.2 The classical model of category structure    4.3 the prototype model ef category structure      4.3.1 Graded centrality      4.3.2 Thc representation c f conceptual categories      4.3.3 Levels of categorization      4.3.4 Shortcomings of prototype theory      4.3.5 The frame--ba,,ed account of prototype effects    4.4 A dynamic construal approach 10 conceptual categories      4.4.1 Category boundaries      4.4.2 Frames      4.4.3 Levels c f categorization    4.5 Thc dynamic construal c f meaning      4.5.1 Contextualized interpretaion      4.5.2 Purport      4.5.3 Constraints      4.5.4 Cons[mal    4.6 Structural and logical aspecl s of meaning    4.7 Part I:Concluding remarksPart Ⅱ:Cognitive approaches Io lexical semantics  5 Polysemy:the construal of sense boundark s    5.1 Introduction    5.2 Full sense boundaries      5.2.1 Homonymy and polysemy      5.2.2 Entrenchment      5.2.3 Bc undare ffec ts      5.2.4 Thc nalure of full sense units    5.3 Sub-sense units with Eear-sense properties      5.3.1 Rmets      5.3.2 Microsenses      5.3.3 Ways.of-seeing      5.3.4 Semantic components and lCW-autonomy actwe zones    ……  6 A dynamic construal approach to sense relations Ⅰ:hyponymy and meronymy  7 A dynamic construal approach to sense relations Ⅱ:antonymy and complementarity  8 MetaphorPart Ⅲ:Cognitive approaches to grammatical form




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