出版時間:1970-1 出版社:北京大學出版社 作者:潘月洲,胡海青 著 頁數(shù):164
隨著經(jīng)濟全球化程度的進一步加深,中國參與全球經(jīng)濟活動在深度和廣度兩個方面都達到前所未有的程度,與外界的經(jīng)濟聯(lián)系日益頻繁。中國要想走在世界的前列,就必須向世界學習先進的科學技術和管理經(jīng)驗。但無論是“走出去”還是“請進來”,都離不開語言的橋梁作用。商務英語成為我國對外經(jīng)濟合作和商務交流的重要工具。這一切對把商務英語作為一種技能的教和學提出了非常高的要求。 我們在編寫《商務英語聽說》的過程中,把商務英語聽說能力當成一種技能來訓練。始終貫徹“學以致用”、“講練結(jié)合”的原則,力圖改變高職高專英語教學脫離實際、學用結(jié)合不密切、教學效果差和效率低的局面。選題上著眼于實用,讓學生學完就能使用;結(jié)構安排上不僅考慮到要循序漸進,強調(diào)聽與說的“練”,以學生的“練”為中心,教師在“教”的過程中,組織和引導學生的“練”,又兼顧到把語言基礎訓練與實用商務英語交際能力的培養(yǎng)有機地結(jié)合起來?! 渡虅沼⒄Z聽說》分上、下兩冊,每冊包含12單元,共24單元。每單元由4部分組成,每部分緊緊圍繞一個主題。.本教程的內(nèi)容和結(jié)構體現(xiàn)了如下特點: 1.每單元主題鮮明。上冊的12單元緊緊圍繞涉外日常交際中的常見話題,基本上涵蓋了《高職高專教育英語課程教學基本要求》中所規(guī)定的交際話題。下冊中的12單元圍繞著外貿(mào)實務交際中的主要話題來編寫?! ?.結(jié)構安排獨具匠心。每單元共有四部分:第一部分貼近英語應用能力考試的題型,聽練本單元主題的典型表達方式。第二部分模仿BEc的聽力考試題型,內(nèi)容安排上由易到難,先是關鍵詞語填空,再是表達片斷填空,最后是短句填空。從關鍵詞到關鍵句,逐步訓練學生的聽力。第三部分主要訓練學生說的能力,兼顧口語與口譯。先是就聽力材料回答問題,然后模仿前兩部分完成交際任務,最后是口譯本單元主題的典型和常用表達內(nèi)容。
Unit One Introductions.Greetings&FarewellUnit Two InvitationUnlt Three Asking&Giving DirectionsUnlt Four Expressing Gratitude&Making ApologiesUnit Flve AccommodationUnit Six ArrangementsUnlt Seven Job InterviewUnlt Eight Company PresentationUnlt Nine Introducing ProductsUnlt Ten Meetings&ExhibitionsUnlt Eleven Settling a ClaimUnlt Twelve ReportsKey to QuestionsUnlt One Introductions.Greetings&FarewellUnit Two InvitationUnit Three ASking&Giving DirectionsUnlt Four Expressing Gratitude&Making ApologiesUnlt Flve AccommodationUnlt Six ArrangementsUnlt Seven Job InterviewUnit Eight Company PresentationUnit Nine Introducing ProductsUnit Ten Meetings&ExhibitionsUnlt Eleven Settling a ClaimUnlt Twelve ReportsTapescriptsUnlt One Introductions.Greetings&FarewellUnlt Two lnvitationUnit Three Asking&Giving DirectionsUnlt Four Expressing G ratitude&Making ApologiesUnlt Flve ACC0mmodatIOnUnlt Six ArrangementsUnlt Seven Job InterviewUnlt Eight Company PresentationUnlt Nine Introducing ProductsUnlt Ten Meetings&ExhibitionsUnlt Eleven Settling a ClaimUnlt Twelve Reports
?。?)State how far until the first turn either in blocks,miles,or the number of minutesto the first direction change.(If traffic is a major factor,do not use minutes.) ?。?)Tell the person what direction they need to turn in before telling them where(e.g.,“turn left on baker stree”instead of“at baker street,turn left”). (6)If the location of a turn is easily missed,give a piece of information for the personto know she/he has gone too far.(If you get to the underpass,you’ve gone too far.) ?。?)If the person is present with you,have him or her turn in the direction she/he isheaded,and use hand signals to reinforce the directions.The more senses you use,themore likely the person is to remember. ?。?)Draw a simplified map if paper and pencil are available. ?。?)Ask if he or she understands and have him or her repeat the directions back to you. ?。?0)Warnings——Don’t give too much information.It only creates confusion.Justfocus on what is essential,leaving out extraneous detail. Example:Go two blocks.Turn right on Jackson Avenue.Go approximately 3 miles.Turn left at the light onto Ambassador Rd.At the third traffic light turn left j ust after the ear dealership.You’re going to make the first right hand turn you can make.There will be a sign for RENTAL PROPERTIES.If you get to the bridge,you’ve passed it.The officeis in the green building on the right hand side about fifty yards ahead. Cultural Tips 1.Being in an unfamiliar city can be frightening.And finding an address can be like looking for a needle in a haystack.Don’t be worried.J ust ask someone for directions.However,city people usually give directions very quickly.You may find it difficult to follow what they’re saying.Therefore,you’d better draw the route on a map as you’re listening to the directions. 2.Easy way of finding a place:get the hotel to call a taxi and tell the driver the directions or your request.Best procedure: ?。?)Get the name and address of the place you wish to visit. ?。?)Talk to the hotel manager or someone that can read and write.If they get weak looking,or they hesitate to read,do not embarrass them and go to the next person. (3)After you have found hopefully someone that speaks your language or English you can start to ask questions. 3.Brief introduction of public transportation in the United States: ?。?)Most cities and towns have buses,subways or trains that take you to your destination.If you are loaded with luggage,then you should consider other options even though they are a little expensive than public transport.