
出版時間:2009-4  出版社:北京大學出版社  作者:許明武,李麗 主編  頁數(shù):248  


  教育部《大學英語課程教學要求》(以下簡稱《教學要求》)明確指出:“我國幅員遼闊,各地區(qū)、各高校之間情況差異較大,大學英語教學應按照分類指導、因材施教的原則,以適應個性化教學的實際需要?!薄  洞髮W基礎英語教程》即是依據(jù)《教學要求》編寫的一套大學英語教材,主要適用于全國各高等院校藝術、體育類學生,民族地區(qū)學生和其他一些大學入學時英語基礎相對薄弱的非英語專業(yè)大學生,旨在使學生通過本教材的系統(tǒng)學習,在英語語言知識、應用技能、學習策略和跨文化交際方面能夠達到《教學要求》中規(guī)定的高等學校非英語專業(yè)本科畢業(yè)生應達到的基本要求?!  洞髮W基礎英語教程》在編寫過程中力圖體現(xiàn)以下編寫原則:  1.以《教學要求》為依據(jù),重點培養(yǎng)學生英語綜合應用能力?! ?.以人為本,因人制宜,始終考慮適用對象的現(xiàn)有英語水平和實際學習需求。  3.旨在使學生通過本教材的學習,做到學有所用,學以致用,以用促學,學用統(tǒng)一。力爭使語言知識的傳授與語言運用能力的提高做到相輔相成、有機互補.既不片面強調語言知識的傳授,也不片面強調沒有堅實基礎的語言能力的提高?! ∨c國內其他大學英語優(yōu)秀教材相比,本教程的特色主要體現(xiàn)為“唯實”、“簡約”、“實用”、“教育”四個方面。洞察適用對象外語水平和學習需求之實并以之為本,教材編著與設計力求因應適用對象之求并扼之以要,高度重視學生綜合文化素養(yǎng)的培養(yǎng)以及所學外語知識和技能的實際應用,寓人文素養(yǎng)與道德教育于外語學習的潛移默化之中。具體體現(xiàn)如下。




Unit One  Growing Up  Text A  The Baby Eagle  Text B  Through the Eyes of a Child  Translation in Focus  AmplificationUnit Two  Dealing with Relationships  Text A  Friendship of American Style  Text B  Valentine's Day  Translation in Focus  OmissionUnit Three  Make a Miracle  Text A  The Price of a Miracle  Text B  Power of Encouragement  Translation in Focus  Conversion of Part of Speech Unit Four  Riddles of Food  Text A  We Are What We Eat  Text B  Just Slow Down and Eat  Translation in Focus  Translation of English and Chinese NumeralsTest OneUnit Five  Parents' Love  Text A  A Goodbye Kiss  Text B  Living with Your Teen: Understanding the Changing Parent-Teen Relationship  Translation in Focus  Translation of Negative SentencesUnit Six  Animal Legend  Text A  The Legend of the Chinese Zodiac  Text B  A Clever Dog  Translation in Focus  The Adjustment of Sentence OrderUnit Seven  Colorful Culture  Text A  Cool Shirt! What Does It Mean Exactly?  Text B  Local Dialects Making Noise  Translation in Focus  The Conversion of Sentence ConstituentsUnit Eight  This I Believe  Text A  Being Content with Myself  Text B  A Kind and Generous Heart  Translation in Focus  Translation of Sentences with Passive VoiceTest TwoUnit Nine  Study and Career  Text A  Does a Degree Guarantee You a Good Job?  Text B  Unleashing Your Creativity  Translation in Focus  Translation of Attributive Clause Unit Ten  Thinking Positively  Text A  Dreams  Text B  A Positive Attitude Works  Translation in Focus  Translation of Adverbial Clause Unit Eleven  I:ti-tech and Modern Life  Text A  Calling All the World' s Mobile Phone Users   Text B  New Tricks of ID Thieves  Translation in Focus  Literal Translation or Liberal TranslationUnit Twelve Celebrities and Fashion  Text A  Single Celebrities Look for Love  Text B  Dresses Show Queen' s ‘Model-Perfect’ Figure  Translation in Focus  Translation of English Long SentencesTest ThreeGlossary


  it is a movement. When newspaper reporters introduce the idea of living more slowly, you can bet that the message is starting to go deep into the world s consciousness.  Slow food isnt necessarily about slow cooking and it isnt about laziness, because it might be a little more work to choose what you eat and to connect with the land and the rain and the sun. If that sounds a bit poetic, that s no accident. Poetry makes you feel things and that s what food should do too.  The modem age of mechanization and computerization promised us a better life, in which machines would do the work and people would be freer than ever to enjoy leisure, art and meaningful living. It has not happened. We have surrendered leadership to machines. The enemy is haste. People want to be in and out of restaurants and go back to school or work, but real food cannot be rushed.  Globalization promised more choices than ever and it has delivered——but not completely for the better. Modem shoppers tend to buy thoughtlessly, without realizing that buying locally and seasonally not only benefits the local economy, it is also easier on the wallet Though quality local produce may not necessarily supply everything year-round, one can pay attention to what the seasons and what nature tells him.  Food is the fuel for ones inner spirit. After ones daily work one must save a moment of renewing your spirit, for example, to close the door and begin to peel potatoes. For most of the time, this enjoyment may last till the end of the dining hour. If you prepare a dish that takes hours to cook, you look forward to it, then you want to sit down, you want to chew it slowly. Maybe you even want to try the wine. You dont want to just throw it into your mouth and send it down.  The widespread message of corporate advertising is that you can eat quickly and have more time to go to make more money, and the pace of modem life can make that sound attractive. But money isnt everything, and you dont have to be rich to eat thoughtfully and purposefully.  However, changing popular fast food culture is like controlling a battleship with a spoon when the waves of mass-marketed convenience culture and major corporations that run large-scale agri-business are opposing against you.  Today people are so plugged in to technology and work that they are losing contact with each other and with food. Without a connection to what we eat, we are out of touch with the earth that breeds us. After all, everything always comes back to food, and good food would come as a way of living. That s what the slow food movement has to share with the world.



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用戶評論 (總計3條)


  •   不錯的書,無論排版、內容還是紙質,適合有英語基礎并想提高和鞏固的人學習。
  •   上課要用的課本 挺好的
  •   不錯的新書哦,正品,內容頁還不錯

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