出版時間:2001-8-1 出版社:北京希望電子出版社 作者:M.E.Sokolik,Virginia L.Guleff 頁數(shù):94
Tapestry Reading l & 2 Note to TeachersSyllabus PlanningFive-Week SyllabusTen-Week SyllabusFifteen-Week SyllabusUsing the Features of Tapestry ReadlngChapter OvervlewOther ToolsReading 1 Instructr’s ManualAnswer KeysChapter 1: College Life: Difficult DreamsChapter 2: Water: Our Most Important ResourceChapter 3: Healthy HabitsChapter 4: Only One EarthChapter 5: Trains, Planes, and AutomobilesChapter 6: A World of Fast FoodChapter 7: Love and MarriageChapter 8: Telling StoriesChapter 9: Buyer BewareChapter 10: Space Is the PlaceChapter QuizzesChapter 1: College Life: Difficult DreamsChapter 2: Water: Our Most Important ResourceChapter 3: Healthy HabitsChapter 4: Only One EarthChapter 5: Trains, Planes, and AutomobilesChapter 6: A World of Fast FoodChapter 7: Love and MarriageChapter 8: Telling StoriesChapter 9: Buyer BewareChapter 10: Space Is the PlaceQuiz Answer KeysReading 2 Instructor’s ManualAnswer KeysChapter 1: The Cycle of LifeChapter 2: Jobs, Occupations, and CareersChapter 3: The Spirit of CompetitionChapter 4: Lawmakers and LawbreakersChapter 5: Beyond ScienceChapter 6: War and ConflictChapter 7: Language, Literacy, and Bilingual EducationChapter 8: On the MoveChapter 9: Cultural PerspectivesChapter 10: American LivesChapter QuluesChapter 1: The Cycle of LifeChapter 2: Jobs, Occupations, and CareersChapter 3: The Spirit of CompetitionChapter 4: Lawmakers and LawbreakersChapter 5: Beyond SaenceChapter 6: War and ConflictChapter 7: Language, Literacy, and EducationChanter 8: On the MoveChapter 9: Cultural PerspectivesChapter 10: American LivesQuiz Answer Keys